Artist who does monster trophies
Posted by dmleech

Does anyone have the contact information or website of the artist who has done monster and dragon busts for years?

Posted by helenbb

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Posted by dmleech helenbb

helenbb wrote:
Do you mean the guy who makes the Goodman Games trophies? I'm not sure who he is, but if you ask Goodman, I'm pretty sure they'd get back to you promptly. They're great that way
No, he has been in artist alley for years and has hunting trophy style mounted dragon heads that have expanded to different types of creatures.

Posted by audioslave

Is it this?

Posted by alicent23 dmleech

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Posted by dmleech

I do remember David Lee pancake, want him, but his dragon sconce might be something I grab. 

Thanks for those attacking their brain. If they pop up I'll post.

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