Access to the Gen Con VIG Program access is in limited supply. Returning VIGs have the first chance to secure VIG Packages annually, during early rebooking. The account holder must be at least 18 years old to purchase a VIG package.
Registration Dates:Early Registration for Returning 2024 VIGs: Sunday, February 9, 2025 at noon (Eastern)
Price: $765
Companion Price: $335
Hotel Dates: Housing Registration for Returning VIGs
Opens: Sunday, February 9, 2025 at noon (Eastern)
Closes: Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 11:59 am (Eastern)
Badge Registration for New VIGs - Sunday, February 16, 2025 at noon (Eastern)
Hotel Dates: Housing Registration for New VIGs
Opens: Sunday February 16, 2025 at noon (Eastern)
Hotel Registration Each VIG gains access to the housing block. VIGs booking hotel rooms may reserve one room for their VIG Package and a second room if they've purchased a Companion badge. If you do not reserve in the VIG block by February 22, you may still reserve housing from the regular attendee housing block, while supplies last. PLEASE NOTE: All VIG rooms are self-pay and require a credit card to make the reservation. When you access the housing portal, a list of available hotels will be displayed on the website. Once the reservation has been made through the Housing Bureau, there is a penalty for any cancellations.
Very Important Gamers will receive a special badge with 4-Day access to Gen Con Indy plus access to the VIG Lounge and other benefits.
VIG Lounge Enjoy the comforts of a private VIG Lounge and concierge services, near the action but away from crowds and noise. VIG Lounge features include:
Exclusive VIG Gifts Every VIG (excluding Companions) who stops by the VIG Lounge during the show will receive exclusive VIG Gifts. These gift collections may include items such as a commemorative Gen Con t-shirt, a VIG pin, Gen Con merchandise, and promotional items from Exhibitors, Sponsors, Guests of Honor, Event Organizers, and others based on availability. There are often VIG-exclusive coupons, which may include discounts for specific booths in the Exhibit Hall and other special deals. Promotional items are not guaranteed, and gifts will vary yearly based on availability.
VIG Mixer The VIG Mixer is a “happy hour” event for our Very Important Gamers and guests. It’s a chance for VIGs to hang out and enjoy appetizers, beverages, and stimulating conversation in a laid-back atmosphere. More information about this year's mixer will be emailed to VIGs through regular e-newsletters. Gen Con staff are always present, and happy to have the opportunity to get to know you personally. Seating is limited so get your tickets as soon as they're available!
Exclusive VIG Exhibit Hall Entrance at Opening VIGs will have their own entry doors to the Exhibit Hall every morning between 10 am and 10:30 am. This door will be located between the Hall J Exhibitor entrance and the Hall K doors on the Capitol Concourse. This entrance is also the Accessibility entrance to the Exhibit hall.
VIG Exclusive Events Lists of VIG-exclusive events will be added to the Gen Con Registration System, as they are approved. If you are a VIG or VIG Companion interested in running an event in the VIG Lounge, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected]. We would love to hear your ideas!
"Members Only” VIG Forum As a member of the VIG Program, you will have access to an exclusive forum where you can chat with fellow VIGs and voice your thoughts and ideas to the Gen Con Community. Please email your Gen Con Community login name to [email protected] if you cannot see this forum.
First Chance at a VIG Package for Next Year! Very Important Gamers not only receive excellent benefits for the current show and a chance at “first right of refusal” for next year’s show. This means VIGs can purchase their next year’s VIG Package when Badge Registration opens to the public and procure their first choice of hotel before housing officially opens. Specifics are detailed in the VIG Newsletter, which was emailed in December. VIG packages are non-transferable.
Preview of VIG Swag We are looking into a badge wallet and providing a reusable water bottle for all VIGs this year. Stay tuned for further updates on new swag!
Water Bottles and Beverages Gen Con will no longer provide single-use bottled water in the VIG Lounge. We are committed to lessening the amount of single-use plastic generated at the convention. We will continue to offer complimentary soda, juice, coffee, and tea.
Water bubbler stations will continue to be available in the VIG Lounge as they were in 2024. Please tell your VIG Companions to bring a water bottle to refill.
Pizza Party Social Event I’m considering having a pizza party lunch on one day of the convention. I would like to gauge interest in this and determine what day would work best, preferably either Friday or Saturday. Please provide feedback on your preferred day by emailing [email protected].
Picking Up Non-VIG Packets The perk of picking up non-VIG packets from Will Call needs some clarification on the rules and process.
You can direct all comments or questions on this policy to [email protected].
VIG Companion Packages
Anyone who purchases a VIG Package has the option of purchasing one VIG Companion badge. Please note that the account holder must be at least 18 years old to purchase a VIG package, but Companions have no age limitations.
The VIG Companion Badge allows the bearer access to the following:
VIG Companions will NOT receive the following:
VIG Children
For children ages 11-17, VIGs must purchase a regular 4-Day badge. If the child requires access to the VIG Lounge, the VIG parent must bring the child to the Lounge for a special identifying sticker. (Children ages ten and under do not require a badge, but their VIG parent will need to pick up a wristband in the Lounge and provide their contact information for emergencies.) Children ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a VIG adult while in the VIG Lounge, or for special VIG seating at events.
The special identifying sticker allows the child access to the following:
If you are interested in being a VIG in 2026 please email [email protected] between November 15 and December 1, 2025, to be entered into the drawing for Gen Con 2026.
1. You must provide your name and email as it appears on your Gen Con account in the body of your email2. You must provide the email associated with that account in the body of your email.3. You must be at least 18 to apply.4. Do not submit multiple entries from other accounts you may have in the system.5. If your account is associated with a group or organization please let us know (you cannot buy a badge unless that organization is temporarily unlinked from your primary account)6. You must buy the VIG badge for yourself. VIG badges and packages are not tradable or transferable. The Companion badge can be bought for anyone on your friend's list.
If you have questions about the program, please email us at [email protected].