New minimum night stay requirements
Posted by mikeboozer

Minimum Night Stay RestrictionsMinimum night stay restrictions are in effect for all downtown hotels. Requests for downtown hotels must consist of four or more consecutive dates and must include the nights of Wednesday - Saturday, July 30—August 2, 2025. Minimum night stay restrictions will remain in place throughout the housing registration period. Room assignments at suburban hotels are not generally subject to minimum night stay restrictions, though some exceptions may exist.

Additionally, a five-night minimum stay (Tuesday – Saturday nights, inclusive) will be in effect for the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Hotel on a trial basis in 2025.

Posted by swords13

Would we be eligible for the Marriott Downtown if you were staying Wednesday - Sunday? It is a 5 night stay which fits our schedule better as we stay to take down and pack up the vendors booth we help with.

Posted by mikeboozer

Just the Tuesday - Saturday is what is required for the Marriott. No other configurations will be allowed.



Posted by iolaus13

I'm curious as to the reasoning behind this change.  I would assume this is to give attendees who are there all 4 days a better chance at the downtown hotels.  As someone who almost always gets a 4-day badge, I can appreciate this.  I just wish it was a 3-night minimum (Thursday-Saturday) instead.  I would imagine that quite a few people like me try to save 300ish dollars by getting to Indy Thursday morning, though I've experienced the benefits to being there Wednesday night.  Do you think this is how Gen Con will handle housing going forward, or is this more of a trial run to see how things go under these restrictions?

Posted by mikeboozer

It is impossible to predict how Gen Con will handle it next year, but if all goes well then you can expect it to be a permeant change. The trial run is on the Marriott 5 night stay.

Previously there already was a 3 night minimum.

The demand for housing outstrips the amount of housing available downtown specifically. Especially connected rooms. 

Posted by nicoramirez

Thanks for the info! I'll plan my stay accordingly.

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