I processed my wishlist this afternoon and everything said it was processed. I just went in to move the wishlist to my cart and it says it is empty. Is there a way someone can look into this and see what happened? i just tried adding several of the evnets to my wishlist and they are now booked.
How long did you wait? Events timeout from your cart after 2 hours of inactivity.
I can see that you purchased 9 tickets to several events, if that helps.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
My first wish list/cart also disappeared. I had to make a new one. Thankfully, there was room in all but one of the seminars I wanted to attend, but all the RPGs were sold out. One of my friends who is going with me had the same thing happen to him. Not too big of a deal except that some of the games I wanted to play only have a few events at the Convention and those were sold out. (Firefly RPG, Numenera RPG).
How do I add "Hope someone doesn't show up for one of these two events" to my wish list now??
I believe elliindsey is right, my cart timed out. I saw I was almost 7000 in queue so I ran some errands and when I came back, it said everything processed and I could click to move to my cart. Since it was over 2 hours, they were gone. I have since registered for everything. The only disappointment was that one session was completely full and then for another session, there was only 1 spot still open. Lesson learned here, don't run errands when you are in queue and something has a time out clock.
Would have liked to do Numenera as well. Unfortunate how quickly all these things disappear.