Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks - was this cancelled?
Posted by hauntedcity

I had "Time of the Daleks" as something I really wanted to play.  Today, I went to add it to my Wish List, but now I can't find it.  Does anyone know if Gale Force 9 cancelled the event, or if they will be re-adding it later?



Posted by monkeyknifefight

I would like to know as well. I have been having trouble finding events I would like to do and this was the only one that wasn't a second or third tier choice for me. I expect they have manufacturing and transportation delays and it won't be ready in time.

Posted by derekguder

Yes, they were canceled.

You'll want to follow up with Gale Force Nine for more details on the change.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by hauntedcity

Thanks, Derek! I sent an email, and I'll update this post of I have any news.

I'm sure this can easily be fixed by hopping in a TARDIS to prevent the cancellation of the events.

Posted by hauntedcity

Well, I posted that just a few seconds too early!  And apparently, there are some problems even a TARDIS can't solve.  :(

Yes, unfortunately Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks will not make its debut
at Gen Con 2016 like we hoped.  We have expanded the capacity of our Star
Trek: Ascendancy events; making its debut at Gen Con 2016.

Look for the Doctor to pop out of his blue box later this year! 

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