Keeper of Ancient Gen Con Lore
Posted by brewski

Hey Randu,
     IS there a new link for the Keeper Lore?

Posted by quarex

On the High Shelf Gaming episode where they had Randu on as a guest host, I felt like he implied he was done with his online presence as the Keeper, but I could have been reading too much into something he said just because I kept wondering the same thing; "is he going to mention a new webpage coming???"

Posted by brewski

I hope he does continue to maintain the history and his connection to Gen Con.

Posted by austicke

He's a regular contributor to our group on Facebook.

​​​​​​​Alec Usticke, Fans of Gen Con Facebook Group

Posted by brewski

I'm a member. But saw sometime on YouTube (I have been watching allot of past video.. Just cause) and I was wonder where the mention site had went.

Posted by quarex

Anybody wondering what in the world we are talking about, you can check out the most recent archive of his page that I could find (2008...not terribly recent.  Was there a newer one?) here:

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