Blood Drive
Posted by ytuni

Don't forget to schedule in the time to make a blood donation if you are willing and able! I work in the laboratory of a hospital and part of my job is distributing blood products to our patients. I can tell you first hand that your blood donation saves lives! Whether it's a surgery patient who has lost too much blood, an accident victim or someone who has a chronic medical condition your donation goes a long ways toward making them healthy again. Please check the following links if you have any questions regarding blood donation. It really is life potion!

Posted by djanedi

Bump! Because this is important! 

Posted by garhkal

Well, since i am still on the do not give plasma list, that unfortunately also means no blood..  (Damn the laws that say cause i was stationed in the UK from 97-99 and 02-05)..

Posted by cerealkiller195

almost thought it was about the syfy show =/ lol

Posted by lord thrifty the cromulent

I do a platelet donation every 2 weeks.  I give to people in need, and as a bonus they give me 2 free movie passes.  I haven't paid full price for a movie in months!  Otherwise, I would. 

There's always a spike in blood donations after a big tragedy, but well intentioned people don't realize that blood has a limited shelf life and when they do this, supply temporarily outstrips demand, and good blood has to be thrown away.  Which really sucks because a lot of other times, it's the other way around and hospitals find themselves short of blood.

Posted by alans lord thrifty the cromulent

mstabosz wrote:
I do a platelet donation every 2 weeks.  I give to people in need, and as a bonus they give me 2 free movie passes.  I haven't paid full price for a movie in months!  Otherwise, I would. 
There's always a spike in blood donations after a big tragedy, but well intentioned people don't realize that blood has a limited shelf life and when they do this, supply temporarily outstrips demand, and good blood has to be thrown away.  Which really sucks because a lot of other times, it's the other way around and hospitals find themselves short of blood.
This is worth repeating!  I'm not a every-2-week'er (kudos to you!), but I go once every 4-6 weeks.  It's how I catch up on my Netflix!  :)

Posted by ytuni

Platelet donations and Plasma donations are very important too! These blood components are essential in assisting with clotting issues and replenishing a person's supplies after a major trauma.

Pro Tip: If you are type O we want you to donate whole blood but if you are type AB it's better to donate plasma. This has to do with antibody-antigen mumbo-jumbo that I won't get into, just trust your friendly lab tech gamer chic. If you're type A or B there's no preference to which you should donate.

Don't forget, you can usually make a little cash by donating plasma and people on here have shown some perks of platelet donations. 

Posted by garhkal

BAck when i was in Norfolk in 93-96, and then down in Mayport till late 97, i DID a lot of plasma donation (B+ blood type), and even at only 20/30 a pop, that you can give twice a week for plasma, it can add up...

Pity the damnable rules, prevent me (cause i was stationed in the UK for both mad cow/foot n mouth), from donating EITHER...

Posted by lord thrifty the cromulent ytuni

ytuni wrote:
Platelet donations and Plasma donations are very important too! These blood components are essential in assisting with clotting issues and replenishing a person's supplies after a major trauma.
Pro Tip: If you are type O we want you to donate whole blood but if you are type AB it's better to donate plasma. This has to do with antibody-antigen mumbo-jumbo that I won't get into, just trust your friendly lab tech gamer chic. If you're type A or B there's no preference to which you should donate.
Don't forget, you can usually make a little cash by donating plasma and people on here have shown some perks of platelet donations. 

Doesn't plasma require you to hook up to an apharesis machine, just like platelets?  It takes a longish time (about 90 minutes).  That could turn people off to plasma donation.

Posted by garhkal

Why??  Are people that impatient that they can't spend a 90 min break??

Posted by a dark rider on a pale ... unicorn? lord thrifty the cromulent

mstabosz wrote:
[/forums/22-general-info-2017/topics/8057-blood-drive?page=1#38617ined] ytuni wrote:[/url]
Platelet donations and Plasma donations are very important too! These blood components are essential in assisting with clotting issues and replenishing a person's supplies after a major trauma.
Pro Tip: If you are type O we want you to donate whole blood but if you are type AB it's better to donate plasma. This has to do with antibody-antigen mumbo-jumbo that I won't get into, just trust your friendly lab tech gamer chic. If you're type A or B there's no preference to which you should donate.
Don't forget, you can usually make a little cash by donating plasma and people on here have shown some perks of platelet donations. 

Doesn't plasma require you to hook up to an apharesis machine, just like platelets?  It takes a longish time (about 90 minutes).  That could turn people off to plasma donation.

Don't know about the US situation, but in New Zealand there were enough people put off by the time taken, or by the machine, that they were always embarrassingly grateful for anyone willing to spend 90+ minutes in a chair with a needle in them.

that sounded wrong.

Posted by ytuni

Yes, plasma donation requires the donor to be hooked up to a machine with two IVs and it takes a little bit of time. You are, however, compensated for your time and walk away knowing you've potentially just helped to save someone's life. It is also good to note that plasma has a much longer shelf life because, unlike RBCs, it can be frozen.

Posted by lord thrifty the cromulent garhkal

garhkal wrote:
Why??  Are people that impatient that they can't spend a 90 min break??

You act like this is a trivial amount of time.

Posted by garhkal

90 min is not trivial, but people not giving cause they can't spare an hour and a half once or twice a week? 

Posted by austicke garhkal

garhkal wrote:90 min is not trivial, but people not giving cause they can't spare an hour and a half once or twice a week? 

You give plasma once or twice a week? Whoa!

Posted by garhkal

That was when i was in Norfolk.  heck you are by law allowed to give every 3 days..  So technically you COULD give 3 times a week (mon, thurs, sun)..

Posted by ytuni

Just a heads up, there's a critical low blood supply in my area (Louisville, KY) right now so all donations are extra important! It's highly likely that the Indy area is experiencing a critical low supply also! Schedule in a good meal, time to donate, and a little break afterwards and help to save some lives while you enjoy your favorite 4 days of the year.

Posted by lord thrifty the cromulent ytuni

ytuni wrote:
Just a heads up, there's a critical low blood supply in my area (Louisville, KY) right now so all donations are extra important! It's highly likely that the Indy area is experiencing a critical low supply also! Schedule in a good meal, time to donate, and a little break afterwards and help to save some lives while you enjoy your favorite 4 days of the year.

I missed my last platelet donation and have been getting hit up to schedule another.  I want to, but I'm also in a cash crunch and am trying to move to selling plasma to Biolife.  I can't do both.  Unfortunately, Biolife is dragging their feet on getting me started.  If I can get a legit real 2nd job I'll probably go back to platelet donations.

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