Last Name's on Badges
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Posted by garhkal nascragman

brotherbock wrote:
garhkal wrote:
brotherbock wrote:But it's not obvious that the risk outweighs the benefits. A GC badge has the benefit of being able to be used by authorities the same way an ID bracelet can be. Take an example of an uncommunicative child--unable to talk to people for any of a variety of reasons. Now that child becomes lost at Gen Con. Would we want people who find that child to be able to know their name, or not? There are people concerned with child safety who will say no. But that doesn't mean there isn't a debate, as some will disagree.

I know some parents who are Split on things like that.  One was a MP, the other a nurse.  HE was all for name tags/wrist braclets for kids.  SHE was venemously against them..

I suspect that some of this comes down to views of human nature, society, optimism/pessimist, levels of paranoia--some of the same factors that go into someone's views on guns. I do not want to get into that debate here at all :D But just to point out that someone who does not feel threatened when they walk down a given street will likely not have the same opinion about gun laws as someone who walks down the same street and feels very threatened. Those two people will look to different information to arrive at their arguments and opinions. Part of what makes it so hard to talk about. I have dear friends who live in the same neighborhood who feel palpable danger every night...and I leave my door unlocked.I think similar feelings are at work with kids and bracelets/name badges. If you feel a sense of threat and danger when you let your kid out of the house, you'll look at certain facts/claims/arguments to arrive at your decision. But if you are the sort of parent who opens the door and lets their kids go without a second thought, the facts that seem important to you will be very different.
Neither set of emotions is 'invalid'. The really difficult task is looking at all the facts, and determining how important they all are, which ones are actually facts and which are not, and which policies lead to actual benefit vs only perceived benefit. We want kids to be safe--that's more important than just feeling good or only believing they are safe. But we don't want terrified parents, even if their kids really are safe :)

Good point.  The Guy i mentioned, was very optimistic all the time, EVEN with all the crud he saw as an MP.  While his wife, was very pessimistic, due to her being a nurse for over a decade.. SO was always 'scared' for the kids..  BUT there's times i feel some parents takes that TOO FAR..
mermaid_princess wrote:
Anyone here without kids ever try to get into a Chucky Cheese?
They only let adults in when accompanied by a child due to pedaphile predation.

Yes, and yes i got stopped, even though the CC i went into, was one of only 3 spots in town, that had arcade machines..  AND THE ONLY one which had one i love playing (Gauntlet legacy)...
nascragman wrote:
I'm not sure why people are arguing so vociferously in favor of displaying children's full names on convention badges.  Any convention staffer or even an event organizer with the eTicketing app can pull up a name by scanning the badge with a cell phone. 

You assume everyone will HAVE that ap.
nascragman wrote:
With all due respect, you are arguing that your reasoning is more valid than mine because you don't have children.  Honestly, I'm speechless.

Its not surprising though.  I know many folk, who feel that way.. "You are single, and have no kids, you just don't understand", or "You have no kids, so your opinion is not as important as mine is"...

Posted by brotherbock nascragman

nascragman wrote:
With all due respect, you are arguing that your reasoning is more valid than mine because you don't have children.  Honestly, I'm speechless.  Just gonna let that one go.   
I'm suggesting that Gen Con make this a decision that individual parents can make.  This isn't a public health issue like vaccination.
Give a parent the option of displaying a nickname rather than a full name on a child's badge.  The responsibility lies with the parent.  Where it should lie.

I'm not arguing that at all.

What I have said, in counter to your 'you don't have kids so be quiet' statement, was that, in fact, emotional attachments often cloud our judgment. Often. Certainly not always.

And I have not said in any way that your particular arguments are suffering as a result of your emotional attachments. What I've said, several times, is that your claim that your arguments are 'more valid' because you have children is bunk.

But for me to reject your claim that your arguments are better is not the same thing as saying that therefore my arguments are better. I judge arguments based on their reason, not based on how anyone feels. You are simply failing to read my posts clearly--you're projecting some anti-something view onto me, when all I'm saying is "let's look at actual evidence and not emotion".

Posted by brotherbock garhkal

garhkal wrote:
nascragman wrote:
I'm not sure why people are arguing so vociferously in favor of displaying children's full names on convention badges.  Any convention staffer or even an event organizer with the eTicketing app can pull up a name by scanning the badge with a cell phone. 

You assume everyone will HAVE that ap.

Or that they'll have a cell signal. My AT&T signal is garbage over about 25% of the Con.
garhkal wrote:
nascragman wrote:
With all due respect, you are arguing that your reasoning is more valid than mine because you don't have children.  Honestly, I'm speechless.

Its not surprising though.  I know many folk, who feel that way.. "You are single, and have no kids, you just don't understand", or "You have no kids, so your opinion is not as important as mine is"...

nascragman wrote:
This is one of those situations where someone who does not have a child should not venture to offer an opinion.  Until you're in the position of the parent you don't understand.

Posted by traveller

Now that the conversation is digressing into a "those with kids" and "those who don't have a clue because they don't have kids" I thought it might be good to remember how this inane conversation started.

I would like to suggest that moving forward that you discontinue printing last names on the badges. Especially for children under the age of 18. It was super creepy to have people know my kid's full names. I tried to alter my last name in the system and it caused problems picking up at Will Call. I guess if I come next year I will have to bring tape or something to cover it up. But overall for privacy purposes it would be better to remove them from the badges.

First, your name (first name, last name) is not a privacy issue.  Your name (with a some exceptions) is not unique and therefore will not be able to link to you.

As the OP pointed out, your name needs to match the government issued (drivers licence, state id, passport, etc) ID you provide when picking up your badge/tickets.

As to the idea of removing the under 18 last names, a glance at the person with the child would give a person the last name, so that negates what you were trying to suggest.

Frankly this is a much to do about nothing.  

Posted by brooks

I'm somewhat confused about the entire argument as "stranger danger" is such a debunked theory from the 1980s that it should be relegated to the dustbin of pop culture along with razor blades in Halloween candy and repressed memories of devil-worshipping day care centers.  


Posted by nascragman

Every hall at Gen Con has a Hall HQ.  And every Hall HQ can look up a badge number - guaranteed.  There is a big push to make eTicketing ubiquitous at GenCon.  Over the next few years the vast majority of Event Organizers will be using eTicketing.  The eTicketing app can identify a player by scanning his/her badge.  Gen Con is heavily invested in making sure that app works.  All the reviews say it's working great.

A lost child should be taken to Gen Con Staff.  No one that does not have the ability to look up the name has any need for it.

The reason for eliminating the name on the badge is the same reason that parenting magazines and websites advise against personalized shirts and backpacks and such.  Child predators know that a child is more likely to trust someone who calls them by name.  And if you have an unusual name and/or you've been incautious on social media, a web-search can reveal enough for that predator to fool a small child.

If I've offended by suggesting a parent's viewpoint is more valid in matters related to their own child, I apologize.  But I still think it's true.  You are free to have your own opinion.

I would like to see Gen Con make the name on a child's badge be one that the parent of that child feels is appropriate and safe.  Let the parent decide, please.  Personally I would not like my child's name to be on display.  Wikipedia and other web sources put the percentage of pedophiles among adult men at around 5%.  Much less among women, and only a fraction of those are active predators.  But given the 70,000 attendees it would seem likely that a few hundred of them are very bad people.

Posted by matthias9 nascragman

nascragman wrote:

If I've offended by suggesting a parent's viewpoint is more valid in matters related to their own child, I apologize.  But I still think it's true.  You are free to have your own opinion.

But that's not what you said.  You said:  "This is one of those situations where someone who does not have a child should not venture to offer an opinion."

Posted by traveller

To be fair, your opinion only matters (and with equal weight)  if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • You currently have a child.
  • You previously had a child.
  • You are going to have a child or are planning/trying for a child.
  • You were at one point a child.

Posted by nascragman matthias9

matthias9 wrote:
nascragman wrote:If I've offended by suggesting a parent's viewpoint is more valid in matters related to their own child, I apologize.  But I still think it's true.  You are free to have your own opinion.

But that's not what you said.  You said:  "This is one of those situations where someone who does not have a child should not venture to offer an opinion."

That's what I'm saying now.  I've given this some thought and the arguments that I was making led me to modify my opinion.  What I truly believe in is that the individual parent needs to be empowered to make these decisions for themselves.  They know their kids and their kids' needs. 

Now, while I still believe that I know better how to keep my son safe than a childless stranger on a web forum, I also believe that it's not my place to tell another parent how to care for their child.

You may feel that your opinion is correct and mine is wrong.  Reasonable people can disagree.  That's something we seemingly have lost sight of in this country.

Posted by skilletaudio

"Let me explain my specific concerns relative to my experience as a parent" is a better look than "if you dont have kids, keep your opinions to yourself".

One of those options is actually beneficial to a discussion in a public forum and is intellectually consistent with "we're having a disagreement among reasonable people".

Posted by squirecam nascragman

nascragman wrote:
Every hall at Gen Con has a Hall HQ.  And every Hall HQ can look up a badge number - guaranteed.  There is a big push to make eTicketing ubiquitous at GenCon.  Over the next few years the vast majority of Event Organizers will be using eTicketing.  The eTicketing app can identify a player by scanning his/her badge.  Gen Con is heavily invested in making sure that app works.  All the reviews say it's working great.
A lost child should be taken to Gen Con Staff.  No one that does not have the ability to look up the name has any need for it.
The reason for eliminating the name on the badge is the same reason that parenting magazines and websites advise against personalized shirts and backpacks and such.  Child predators know that a child is more likely to trust someone who calls them by name.  And if you have an unusual name and/or you've been incautious on social media, a web-search can reveal enough for that predator to fool a small child.
If I've offended by suggesting a parent's viewpoint is more valid in matters related to their own child, I apologize.  But I still think it's true.  You are free to have your own opinion.
I would like to see Gen Con make the name on a child's badge be one that the parent of that child feels is appropriate and safe.  Let the parent decide, please.  Personally I would not like my child's name to be on display.  Wikipedia and other web sources put the percentage of pedophiles among adult men at around 5%.  Much less among women, and only a fraction of those are active predators.  But given the 70,000 attendees it would seem likely that a few hundred of them are very bad people.
So now a few hundred attendees are pedos?

Look, this is getting rather dumb.

If gencon has hundreds of pedos running around, then perhaps you should not leave your kid alone at Gencon. Or not bother bringing your kid at all. Or perhaps not going to any convention where pedos are sure to be targeting your kids, like the hundreds of attendees we all know are there....

Posted by mermaid_princess

As regards skip tracing. I know I’ve been doing it since before Lexus Nexus existed, and I’m not that old. Which means if I can do it “long hand” so can a lot of other folks, especially with all the social media that’s out there now. Essentially, just your name and some time is enough. Your name and your face, even better. Do you have a smart phone on you?  Call it done. 
Now, because we’re talking about kids, did anyone stop to ask how many actually get unintentionally separated from their parent or guardians during GC? They don’t call it a lost child, they call it a lost parent. You’d be surprised how many parents don’t notice their child has stopped, or wandered off, or even worse, Dad is in a game and completely forgot about Jr. and turned his phone off to boot. 
If you have never had a run in with a pedo, or worse, count yourself lucky, and move on. Many women have had a bad run in of a dubious nature, and don’t want our spawn to fall prey to the same, or worse. 
While your mileage may vary, please don’t stand in the way of those of us whose roads have been rocky, whose names don’t always match, and who have reason to want the name concealed. 

Posted by cloak72

Look, real talk time.   GenCon is NEVER going to "Leave it up to the parents" to decide how to best keep kids safe at the con.   

Why?   Cynical answer…   Because Lawsuits.   Which is not to say that they don't also have much more altruistic reasons, but...   In a society as massively litigious as ours is, GenCon can never trust the parents of kids to adequately protect them.  At a minimum they have to have enough in place to cover their liability.

Posted by garhkal traveller

traveller wrote:
To be fair, your opinion only matters (and with equal weight)  if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • You currently have a child.
  • You previously had a child.
  • You are going to have a child or are planning/trying for a child.
  • You were at one point a child.

So by that logic, if you are never in the military, or have not had anyone in, you shouldn't have any input on what the military does..  If you don't own a gun, stay out of gun debates..

Posted by traveller garhkal

garhkal wrote:
traveller wrote:
To be fair, your opinion only matters (and with equal weight)  if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • You currently have a child.
  • You previously had a child.
  • You are going to have a child or are planning/trying for a child.
  • You were at one point a child.

So by that logic, if you are never in the military, or have not had anyone in, you shouldn't have any input on what the military does..  If you don't own a gun, stay out of gun debates..

Wow, so not clear on how logic, or sarcasm works.  Not the best attempt to sidetrack though, I'll give it a 3 out of 10

Simply because I do not have children does not invalidate my ability to form an opinion nor make it any less valuable.

As a parent, you have the personal responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child.  That means, teaching them how to navigate in the world including what to do in the event they get lost.  Does the child know that if they are lost, who they should go to and what to say.  If they are not old enough to be able to do that on their own, they you as the parent need to accept that you don't always get to do what you want.  


Posted by cloak72 garhkal

garhkal wrote:
traveller wrote:
To be fair, your opinion only matters (and with equal weight)  if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • You currently have a child.
  • You previously had a child.
  • You are going to have a child or are planning/trying for a child.
  • You were at one point a child.

So by that logic, if you are never in the military, or have not had anyone in, you shouldn't have any input on what the military does..  If you don't own a gun, stay out of gun debates..
You might want to reread the fourth bullet point....

Posted by matthias9

I think this thread may have jumped the shark.

Posted by traveller

Posted by quarex

This seems like as good a place as any for me to post my 800-item list re: why the Gen-Con lottery is unfair and moreover why my first year attending happens to have been the best year 

Posted by a dark rider on a pale ... unicorn? quarex

quarex wrote:
This seems like as good a place as any for me to post my 800-item list re: why the Gen-Con lottery is unfair and moreover why my first year attending happens to have been the best year 

Is there room for a return of everyone's favourite topic, "Gen Con has outgrown Indy and should totally move to a location that's coincidentally really convenient for me" ?

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