Looking for hotel suggestions
Posted by casien


I was hoping to hear from everyone about which connected hotels that has rooms that will sleep 4 ( 1 couple, 2 others). 

 I would like 2 beds and room for the 4th to sleep on a cot, sofa, or air matress. So, which ones have you stayed at and liked.

Thanks again for the advice

Posted by marimaccadmin

Hi Casien,

I know of no downtown hotel that doesn't have at least some rooms with two beds.  In other words, there is no hotel in downtown Indianapolis that only has one bed rooms. They all have a mix of room types.

However, they won't all allow an additional cot, so that's something to be mindful of.  

Marian McBrine
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by ematuskey

Assuming you're talking about rooms with 3 "beds", Embassy Suites is the gold standard for group stays--it has the bedroom (with 1K or 2Q bedss--the 2Qs are the first to go), and the sofabed in the separate living room.  Granted, the sofabed isn't super comfortable, and the Embassy is only technically connected (via the mall), but it's the best place I know of if everyone wants their own bed.  But you should look for other options, because as I said, the 2Q Embassy rooms are usually the first to go (precisely because they can hold the most people). 

Posted by jhs

If the past is a guide, getting any downtown room through the housing block is a remarkable piece of luck, getting one with two beds vs one is even better, and having choice of hotels is like hitting the lottery.  If what you are asking about is a real need, and you aren’t comfortable with the downtown out of block rate (just south of $1000/nt) then you might consider booking a cancellable room not in downtown area now.  That way if things don’t work out with lottery you have a backup.

Posted by ryric

Some hotels have rolling cots you can request, but those tend to disappear quickly and getting one even checking in on Tuesday is probably a coin flip at best. 

I'd suggest picking up a camping style air mattress and having someone sleep on it. My group has done that in the past and it has worked out well.

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