Celebrity List
Posted by corydicarlo

Any idea where to look to find out what celebs might be in attendance?

Posted by helenbb

Tracy Hickman! ;)

Posted by quarex

Celebrities were largely and slowly phased out of Gen-Con's regular features over the past 20 years, presumably because the showrunners realized attendance was going up regardless of how much they paid for celebrities to attend, haha.

That said, you will absolutely still see some there.  I did a double-take when pro wrestler Ivelisse was just randomly at the booth of a wrestling board game last year.

Posted by corydicarlo

Weis and Hickman will both be there, yes!  Very excited and that was listed in their event tickets.

So basically, nothing official in terms of celebrities.  A vendor may have them, but the convention does not.

Posted by jpederso

As far as celebrities,  I never saw a guest author announced for 2022 - usually a large hall seminar.  Wondering if Gencon/Authors Symposium are phasing that out or just weren't able to get one this year.  2020 had R.A. Salvatore lined up but we all know what happened that year.  Would be nice to see him back.

Posted by jwibbenmeyer

I am still mourning 2020 for not getting to meet R.A. Salvatore.

Posted by dwe113

I'll be there, happy to say hello if you want to stop and get a picture or something

Posted by squirecam helenbb

helenbb wrote:
Tracy Hickman! ;)
Hes always worth meeting !

Posted by jojokoko

[This post has been removed]

Posted by xanathon

I keep in touch with R.A. Salvatore over Facebook.  He did say that he is planning on attending Gen Con this year and will be signing books.

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