Lost Battle Foam Bag - Gate Ten
Posted by ziji

Long shot post but figured I'd ask here: I seem to have lost my battle foam bag I purchased (all black) and it must have been in the Gate 10 lots. I was parked in the main lot and may have lost it either by the Shuttle Drop off (just past where the red and white bus was parked yesterday) or by the N.K. Hurst building. I figure someone might've scooped it (free bag lmao) but if anyone did find it, I'd appreciate it! I didn't realize it was lost until this morning after driving 3.5 hours back home last night. Thanks in advance.

Posted by mikeboozer

The Show office has the lost and found Room 116


Posted by ziji mikeboozer

mikeboozer wrote:
The Show office has the lost and found Room 116

Thanks Mike! A couple people reached out to me and checked and looks like the bag is gone. No worries, it wasn't super expensive and I hope whomever found it enjoys it!

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