Why is it that people simply wont follow the specified policies? Eat before you game. And if you have 14 hrs planned with no break that's a you problem.
It is not an excuse to keep the mask off because "You're drinking" every once and a while.
Having said that, I don't think Gen Con has put itself in the best position to encourage success. Masks won't be required anywhere outside Gen Con, including at a sold-out football game right next door.
People shouldn't come if they aren't planning to follow the rules. Beyond my 4 events, I plan to see out as much non-mask activity as possible. For me, that means minimizing time in exhibit hall and maximizing time in pickup games in hotel lobbies or wherever I can to game that doesn't mandate a mask. I am expecting there to be a lot of competition for these spaces. Most frustrating is that I bet a lot of the people competing with me for these spaces will be the same people self-righteously posting about how much they love wearing masks.
I think attendance will be even lower than expected based on the number of people I have seen post of late cancellations. Frankly, I think Gen Con has adopted the exact policies you would adopt if you were trying to drive down attendance. It's like The Producers, does someone have a financial stake in a convention failure?
They didn't appeal to health and safety conscious people by mandating vaccines They didn't appeal to people who already feel safe by allowing them to participate without masks They didn't appeal to people in the middle who'd accept vaccines, but not masks (And I don't really think there is a substantial middle group that is pro-mask but anti-vaccine) It's like they used a Venn Diagram to find the sweet spot that no one likes.
But, bottom line - if you're there, follow the rules. Don't look for fights over this in either direction. And get away from people who want to argue about it.
Keep in mind that outside of specific rooms and halls in the ICC is under ICC control.
Here's the news bulletin from August about the ICC's COVID response. From that article, one of the measures they're taking:
"Masks/face coverings for staff, temporary labor, and visitors and we will work with our clients one-on-one to determine their desired policies for both risk mitigation efforts." (emphasis mine)
Sounds like that would cover people just passing through.
People shouldn't come if they aren't planning to follow the rules. Beyond my 4 events, I plan to seek out as much non-mask activity as possible. For me, that means minimizing time in exhibit hall and maximizing time in pickup games in hotel lobbies or wherever I can to game that doesn't mandate a mask. I am expecting there to be a lot of competition for these spaces. Most frustrating is that I bet a lot of the people competing with me for these spaces will be the same people self-righteously posting about how much they love wearing masks.
They didn't appeal to health and safety conscious people by mandating vaccines They didn't appeal to people who already feel safe by allowing them to participate without masks They didn't appeal to people in the middle who'd accept vaccines, but not masks (And I don't really think there is a substantial middle group that is pro-mask but anti-vaccine)
It's like they used a Venn Diagram to find the sweet spot that no one likes.
Nice job.
Having returned from GenCon yesterday and having participated in several events I can say that this turned out to not be a problem at any game that my group played in. People took a drink or a bite and then put their mask back on without being idiots about it. We had fun, played our games, and took care of our business. Masking was not great, but it was also not an affront to my personal liberties as I understood that I was choosing to be there and could just have easily decided not to go and yell at the clouds if that's what I wanted to do. I was disappointed that in some cases the mask rules were enforced differently depending on where you were at the con, though. I'm hopeful that the need for a mask mandate will be gone for next year.
Agreed! Very smooth and non-issue.
Also, it helped a lot that the hotels (and outside block party) did not require masks, so it was easy to step out and take a ‘mask break’ if needed.
I found it ironic that the signs in front of all the doors for “Harassment would not be tolerated” was right next to the sign saying “Masks required no matter what your vaccinated status”.
In other words, we will not tolerate harassment unless you’re not wearing a mask, in which case all bets are off :)