Vaccine Requirement MEDICAL exemption
Posted by egotrip115

Is there any news on what medical exemptions to the vaccine policy will look like?  The housing lottery is soon and any disabled person who can't be vaccinated is looking at one of

  1. getting a badge and room and losing the fee if they're denied
  2. waiting for an exemption to be approved and hoping they can get a room
  3. just not going

edit: to be clear, I just want to be able to point people at a policy and/or point out why not having a policy yet is bad.  I don't want to debate the contents of a policy, especially not the one in our heads. :)

Posted by mikeboozer egotrip115

egotrip115 wrote:
Is there any news on what medical exemptions to the vaccine policy will look like?  The housing lottery is soon and any disabled person who can't be vaccinated is looking at one of

  1. getting a badge and room and losing the fee if they're denied
  2. waiting for an exemption to be approved and hoping they can get a room
  3. just not going

edit: to be clear, I just want to be able to point people at a policy and/or point out why not having a policy yet is bad.  I don't want to debate the contents of a policy, especially not the one in our heads. :)

The policies that we have right now are how things stand. We have no other information at this time to impart. No final decisions have been made on what exceptions, accommodations, or exemptions will be allowed.
We will be addressing these in the future, but for now you should make your decision based on what our current policies are.


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