[This post has been removed]
I grabbed one show that fit around my other games. Definitely excited.
For other events (like the Magic: The Gathering events that were recently added) that you or anyone else is on the lookout for, check here: Gen Con Online 2021 Events (eventdb.us) Under the changes tab, they have any new/removed/returned tickets events every 6 hours, which is how I found The Gamers myself.
Does anyone have thoughts on other live shows this year? I'd like to do one; debating which. I was terribly disappointed to see that Cards Against Humanity Live was not on the docket this year. We saw that in 2019 and I can tell you the entire audience was busting a gut nonstop. It was hilarious! Maybe they will be back in '22.
Anyway, I'm debating between Gamers Live and https://www.gencon.com/event_finder?search=%22Nerdprov+In-Person%21+Vaccinated+and+Nerdy+as+Heck%22 (Nerdprov's "Vaccinated and Nerdy as Heck").