In 2021, with so many fewer booths and more time to kill, I had time to really take a closer look at things I was kinda sorta interested in. It led me to take a few risks, some of which admittedly didn't pan out (got a few game books that were interesting reads and cool-sounding settings, but whose rules I didn't care for to one degree or another). But I found enough games that were cool in both settings and rules to make up for those.
I remember several years ago, there was a vendor who specialized in foreign war movies. I wanted to get a certain Finnish movie about WWII on the Eastern Front. I knew they were at GC, but it took until Saturday for me to find them. Row after row, I knew of their camo covered booth with all the cool bomber art and stuff. Finally wandering on Saturday I came near and heard artillery fire and found the booth. Crazy. Things were so packed then. I ended up getting four movies, all very cool. Wondering what this year will bring. I can't wait tho.
I plan on being there, but prefer to go unnoticed.
I am getting the wife to come back this year. Here's to 22!
Whole bunch of monitors playing war films, *load of Velcro morale patches? I think I got a "No Step on Snek" patch from those guys at a gun show last year.