Pretty sure we are all just going to cancel. Last year we had the same issue and lucked out when I randomly found the Home2 hotel opened months after the block system was over and done with and got a fairly reasonable price. We did the 10 mile trips prior, with and without that terrible shuttle system and it was way too much of a pain in the rear. The lack of remotely reasonable public transportation kills this event. By the time events end, you get back to your hotel via random transport and have to get back up again, I may as well have just napped in one of the empty gaming rooms. :-)
Ok guys, back it down.
I realize that people are upset, but getting nasty on a public forum isn't going to solve anything. Take some time off, have a nice cup of tea, take a nap, come back refreshed and in a better frame of mind.
Roderick Robertson Forum Coordinator; Gen Con, LLC.
Honestly, people are upset for a reason. I've attended the con for 20 years. Housing has always been a bit crazy. But this lottery time system is downright awful. Having to wait 3+ hours for your chance to find no downtown hotels is ludicrous.
Have to agree with all of the angst on here. It's time to look at other locations for Gencon. The con has a long history of outgrowing the current venue, and moving to a new location. Lake Geneva, Milwaukee now Indianapolis. If the city will not accommodate your needs, go to a city that will.
Also, it's not just Gencon. Indy has lost - LOST - 1000 rooms since 2011 and the city fathers show no willingness to allow the hotel base to grow. Well, let's see how the city fathers like it when 70,000 people abandon Indy and go to Orlando instead in 2021. The damn city is running at 70% occupancy rate on their hotels!
"More than $100 million in hotel developments are in the pipeline, slated to add an additional 1,100 rooms downtown."
"More than $100 million in hotel developments are in the pipeline, slated to add an additional 1,100 rooms downtown."
I waited 6 hours and 44 minutes for.... not even a chance. That's frustrating. I should be able to express that frustration to Gen Con.
I understand that people are justifiably angry at their experience today and that you need to tell Gen Con about it.
If you want to give Gen Con feedback that they will listen to, the CustomerService at GenCon email address has a much better chance of getting read by someone who can do something about it.
As far as deleting a message - it's not so much about what I (or Gen Con) don't want to hear, it's about Internet etiquette. If you can blow off steam by typing a message, that's great; but you might want to review it before hitting 'send'. Does the message reflect who you normally are, or is it you at your worst/most angry? Is it something you wouldn't want your mother or child to read? Or your boss? Or even just your peers and friends in the gaming community?
Look at your own note quoted at the top of this thread.
You made a false claim about room availability.
Now you say that your very clear, explicit statement meant something else.
I agree with your statement that there are no in block rooms you can afford.
I am seriously disappointed in the new hotel portal system for Gen Con 2017. Of all the years I have gone to Gen Con in Indianapolis this year was the worst for hotel registration. My set time to get into the portal was 9:59 PM. There were very few hotels left. None of the downtown hotels were left and only one out by the airport. I have seen better picks the next day than I had this year at my allotted time.
Your complaints make no sense. This is by far the most fair the process has ever been. Random for everyone is far better than system crashes and refreshes, in a process where only a select few get lucky anyway.
Random lottery = equal chance for everybody. Try to think rationally and without emotions about your misfortune.
Also, I should add that this fair, random system is what the MAJORITY of attendee's have been asking Gen Con for years. It's a result of them listening to their customer base.
Also, its been well established that there only a couple of cities in the country with more hotel space that is easily walkable (e.g., Vegas). Most of those cities would drive the cost astronomical and completely change the feel of the convention. Indy will remain the best option.