How many Gencon's?
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Posted by melkor

I'm sure we've kicked this around in a prior Forum, but how many Gencon's
have you folks attended? For me, this year is 33, and I haven't missed one yet.
Still as hyped as any other year.

Posted by del_grande

Just three - 1988, when it was also Origins (and the hotel problem in Milwaukee rivaled what's happening now - I was in an airport hotel), 1999 (got a hotel pretty much across the street from the con), and 2015.

Posted by lore seeker

Every one since 2011.

Posted by xanathon

My first was 2002 and I've made each year except last year.  Hawaii was more attactive than going to GenCon.

Posted by watchdog

This will be my 20th, 19th consecutive.  (First was in '84).

Posted by gamerlaura

11th overall, 10th in a row (we missed 2006 because I was in my first year of law school).

Posted by armadilloal

Number three for me: 2012, 2014, and now 2016.  I guess that makes me one of the faceless hordes swelling the crowds to the degree that all the old-timers hate, but oh well.  

Posted by drea2go

Zero for me....looking forward to going to my first one!

Posted by maijstral2

16, 3 in the 80's when it was at the University of Wisconsin, then all the ones in Indy.

Posted by lanefan

This one will be #6; previous were '03, '09, '11, '13 and '15.  '03 was great as it was the first year in Indy and the city didn't yet know what it had; food-beer-hotel prices weren't jacked for the Con days like they are now.

Feels weird to be going in an even-numbered year. :)

Posted by unsoundergnome

This year will be my 10th.  '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '09, '13, '14, '15.  Started going when it came to Indy, and have only missed some years when I was a broke college student.  

Posted by nscott

Three...2014,2015, and 1980

Posted by monkeyknifefight

This will be my 4th.

2003, 2012, 2013, and 2016.

2013 was great, 2012 was good for the amount of prep we did. 2003 was terrible. 2016 is looking mediocre so far. Hopefully we can get into some events as people drop/add to their schedule in the coming weeks.

Posted by jmsetzer

This will be my 32nd consecutive GEN CON.

Posted by brotherbock

33rd consecutive, I think 26th GMing. 24th with BYOV :) 

Posted by rbree

This will be 12.  I've only missed 1 since 2003.

Posted by rutherfordr

This will be my 39th consecutive GenCon.

First one was GenCon XI, at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside, in 1978.

Posted by brotherbock rutherfordr

rutherfordr wrote:
This will be my 39th consecutive GenCon.
First one was GenCon XI, at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside, in 1978.

My first was the last Parkside. That makes Mecca still the magical 'back in the day' place for me. 

It still felt like a small Con then. Flyers for events tacked up on bulletin boards, pegboard of event tickets. Sniff Sniff. :(

Posted by arcus

This will be my 9th in a row (2008 to present) and I'm actually going solo this year for the first time.  I may take a break after next year's 50th anniversary until my boys get a little bit bigger and can join me if they want.

Posted by genconkeeper

This will be my 37th

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