Repulsive Developments
Friday, 6:00 PM EDT for 4 hr JW : White River Ballroom A--B : 7

Game ID:
Gaming Group
/ Company:
Short Description:
Ay-yi-yi Rangers, Rita's on the Move! As the Rangers go about their everyday lives, they get an alert from Alpha 5. When they morph and teleport to the battlefield, they find a bizarre development.
Long Description:
The Rangers arrive ready to fight Goldar and his putties, but these enemies are repulsed from the planned location of their attack. During the battle, the Rangers discover something’s stopping Goldar, who teleports away before defeat. The Rangers return to the Command Center and are encouraged by Zordon to investigate this strange development. As they investigate, clues indicate that the company isn’t interested in protecting Angel Grove as much as they want to profit from this new kind of extortion. Furthermore, the company doesn’t understand the potential ramifications of using Machine Empire technology. Zordon warns the Rangers that this reckless use of the technology may cause more harm than good. The Rangers must discover who is stealing this technology, defeat them, secure the missing items, and decide how to handle the ramifications of Machine Empire technology in Angel Grove.
Game System:
Rules Edition:
Minimum Players:
Maximum Players:
Minimum Age:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
4 hr
End Date & Time:
Friday, 10:00 PM EDT
JW : White River Ballroom A--B : 7
Dave Martin
Web Address
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Email Address
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No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: