Hmm, is this really the first thread on registration?!
Post thoughts here!
I'm 4739 in list...
4890. Looks like I got hit by a glitch. First submission got a 503 error from the system.
Hmm, I've been stuck on 1014 for about 7 minutes now
Started 3709; been stuck at 2395 for over 15 min.
Finally moved, but seems to be moving slower than previous years...
I was no. 864 and then somehow got bumped to 5000ish. I have a cart full of events but cannot pay for some reason while my wishlist processes. Is anyone else having this issue?
A lot of us seem to have gotten moved to the back of the pack when we submitted right on the hour. Frustrating, but not much to be done. D&D eXP took a while to fill up, too. Here is hoping that people turn back in tickets from their lists at just the correct moment.
Was 508 didn't get any of my Dresden Files Games
Still stuck at 2395. Where do you look to see how many tickets have been sold for a given event?
Should I reload or refresh?
If your number gets stuck, refresh. You won't lose your place in line.
You can refresh your wish list to see what's left.
You can also go look up events in the system in another window/tab if you want to see how things are going for whatever.
I did not reload, but opened a new viewing tab by clicking onOpen a new tab for my "wishlist". my previous tab shows me stuck at 4014, but my new tab has me counting down normally, now at 382
Worst number ever, well over 5,000. Didn't get into any Scythe events. :-( Clicked right on the opening second.
I've been burned pretty badly the last few years, so this year I tried everything possible to make sure my button-click went through as quickly as possible. I brought home my work laptop, a stripped-down machine with nothing but work programs on it, that runs a lot faster than my home machine. I installed Chrome on it for the sole purpose of submitting my wishlist, and had that all set up and ready to go the night before. I made sure nobody else was using the home wifi, so that all-important submission request would have top priority.
I got onto the registration queue at spot 209. I have no idea if my preparations made the difference, it was really probably just dumb luck that I'm actually getting my preferred events this year.
This year, rather than process ours together, my hubby and I did our lists separately. We both clicked at the same time to get into the Wish List. He lucked out and got 58 in queue - I got booted from the server and was 1584 by the time I got in. We both still got into almost everything that we had in our wish lists, even with my longer wait time, so it still worked out.