When will the events list drop?
Posted by felwred

Has it been announced as to when the events listings will be available to review?



Posted by buffythecatslayer

Event Registration is May 19, so figure about 2 weeks before, which seems to be the norm each year.

Posted by andrewj.rager

It will probably be our Cinco de Mayo gift from Gen Con.

Posted by trace_sl

About two weeks before - I recommend using the 3rd party databases to build your wish list and calendar during that time.  

Posted by marv trace_sl

trace_sl wrote:
About two weeks before - I recommend using the 3rd party databases to build your wish list and calendar during that time.  
What do you mean by this? I've heard I should download it into an excel spread sheet. Will the event registration support uploading a spreadsheet or will I need to manually enter each event one at a time on the 19th?

Posted by marv

When the event list drops how will we know? Where on this site should we look? Is there a way to get an email notification if it dripping with a link to it?

Posted by selene314 marv

marv wrote:
trace_sl wrote:
About two weeks before - I recommend using the 3rd party databases to build your wish list and calendar during that time.  
What do you mean by this? I've heard I should download it into an excel spread sheet. Will the event registration support uploading a spreadsheet or will I need to manually enter each event one at a time on the 19th?

Downloading the list is useful because it contains thousands of events and you'll want to filter or delete a lot of them that you aren't interested in.

The site does not support uploading a spreadsheet. You will need to enter them one at a time. However, you can do this before the 19th using the Wish List feature. On the 19th you will click "Process wish list" and the system will attempt to put those tickets into your shopping cart if they are still available.

You can put overlapping events on your wishlist. The first one successfully obtained will block out your schedule for that time, so you will not get the overlapping events that are further down your list.

Posted by marv selene314

selene314 wrote:
marv wrote:
trace_sl wrote:
About two weeks before - I recommend using the 3rd party databases to build your wish list and calendar during that time.  
What do you mean by this? I've heard I should download it into an excel spread sheet. Will the event registration support uploading a spreadsheet or will I need to manually enter each event one at a time on the 19th?

Downloading the list is useful because it contains thousands of events and you'll want to filter or delete a lot of them that you aren't interested in.The site does not support uploading a spreadsheet. You will need to enter them one at a time. However, you can do this before the 19th using the Wish List feature. On the 19th you will click "Process wish list" and the system will attempt to put those tickets into your shopping cart if they are still available.
You can put overlapping events on your wishlist. The first one successfully obtained will block out your schedule for that time, so you will not get the overlapping events that are further down your list.
Excellent info! Thank you. How will we be notified when the event list can be downloaded and where?

Posted by armadilloal

It will likely be all over their social media, and if you're subscribed to their newsletter, they should announce it there.

It's not like Gen Con wants to keep their event list a big secret or anything.

Posted by mikeboozer

The list will go up a few weeks before Event Reg opens on May 19. No exact date for that.
We encourage you to subscribe to our email on on your "MY Profile" page if you want up to the date information on all things Gen Con.

Mike Boozer
Customer Service & Event Team Manager
Gen Con LLC


Posted by trace_sl marv

marv wrote:
trace_sl wrote:
About two weeks before - I recommend using the 3rd party databases to build your wish list and calendar during that time.  
What do you mean by this? I've heard I should download it into an excel spread sheet. Will the event registration support uploading a spreadsheet or will I need to manually enter each event one at a time on the 19th?

There are a couple of databases like the High Programmer or the http://gencon.eventdb.us/index.php (this is last year's listing) that allow you link back to your wish list or to a Google Calendar.  I like the EVENTDB as it sorts better and shows changes.  

By setting up a Google Calendar you can share with your friends and you get an easy view of your days.   

Posted by ytuni marv

marv wrote:
When the event list drops how will we know? Where on this site should we look? Is there a way to get an email notification if it dripping with a link to it?
On the left side of your screen where the "Get a Badge" and "Submit an Event" links are, that is where the link to the event list will be once it goes live.

Posted by marv ytuni

ytuni wrote:
marv wrote:
When the event list drops how will we know? Where on this site should we look? Is there a way to get an email notification if it dripping with a link to it?
On the left side of your screen where the "Get a Badge" and "Submit an Event" links are, that is where the link to the event list will be once it goes live.
Thank you!

Posted by bloodyfire

Just to be clear...I can check out events that will be listed 2 weeks before they become available to purchase/book? I'm a first timer on their own so a bit of pre information is always helpful and this way I don't have to randomly choose what an event is n hope I like it?

Posted by dranthor

Yes the list of events will come out before you can buy them. You would put the ones you want on your wish list. and then hope when they go live you can get them.

Posted by jbittman

Posted by kiyote bloodyfire

bloodyfire wrote:
Just to be clear...I can check out events that will be listed 2 weeks before they become available to purchase/book? I'm a first timer on their own so a bit of pre information is always helpful and this way I don't have to randomly choose what an event is n hope I like it?

Also, something to note is that the list that comes out is a living list.  That is, events will constantly be added over the following months.   It's worth checking out periodically to see if an event you're really interested in has been added.  This is a great way to get in to events with few seats since a lot of people just do their initial event selection and then never come back to it.

Posted by roundtop

I'll second that. My #1 pick was gone very fast, but about a month later someone dropped out and I snagged my way in.

The gencon eventdb (or was it highprogrammer), lists the changes 3x / day. Watch those lists like a hawk

Posted by ar6474

Make sure that if you are working on your wish list and submit it and get what you want you have about 1 hour to pay for your tickets otherwise they go back to the pool.

Our first year I sent in our wish list and got 80% of what we wanted. I was waiting for a couple people to confirm that is what they wanted and 1 hour passed with out activity and everything went back to the pool and I had to resubmit and we lost 50% of what we had originally gotten.

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