Way to leave feedback for events
Posted by codymartin2005

Good evening all,

Hope everyone is doing well. Last year I hosted another website (wannahaveameetup.com) that would allow event searching and the ability to create your own personal schedule. As a "add-on" feature so that I could get feedback for a  few events we added in a quick way for people to find an event, give it a 1-5 rating, and add a few comments). We ended up collecting around 100 pieces of feedback and sending those to GM/Organizers where possible.

This year we relaunched our website under a new name https://Con.Events and are currently planning to bring back the event feedback feature. If we stick to the same concept as last year, you can ask your attendees to go to https://con.events/feedback and then put in the "Event Id" to leave the feedback. Simple for them, simple for us.

I just wanted to see if anyone here has any specific requests they'd like to potentially have added. 


Posted by aaronr

Cool idea! You mention being able to create your own schedule. Is there a way to share that or combine it with others to make a group schedule? Even the ability to export to Google Calendar would be cool and potentially save some work for me and my group.

Posted by codymartin2005

Interesting idea on a shared/group calendar. I'll need to put some though into the best way to accomplish something like that (most likely through a friend type system on the website).

In the mean time, I will look at allowing exporting an entire schedule into Google Calendar.


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