Last year there was a button on the GM Dashboard for an event to send a message to all the people who are signed up for an event - did that go away this year? or am I looking in the wrong place? I can't find it. I did set up a message that goes out when folks buy a ticket but it was great last year to be able to send folks updates and reminders as we get closer.
It has not been activated yet.
It will be activated eventually.
The event messaging system will launch a few weeks before the convention, to avoid spam and keep communication focused.
- Derek Guder Director of Events Gen Con LLC
Is this still in the works?
We would like to send messages to participants in the Transgender 101 and Ally 101 panels asking them to submit questions and reminding them of the sensitivity of the panel.
-- Jeff Sorensen / Tabletop Gaymers
Yes, it should be live now, actually - event messaging was scheduled to activate about 3 weeks before the convention this year.