Turned in tickets but no email confirmation back yet?
Posted by meldh


We (Ludis Citharoedus) ran events on Friday morning and Friday afternoon, and turned the event tickets in to the nearest Event HQ (in the Marriott) just after the events had finished. Normally we get email confirmation that the tickets have been processed, but I've had nothing this year. What's the deal?

Posted by skizm47


Posted by agent_duchovny

I asked a similar question at GM HQ on Friday and was told that in some cases the packets are sorted in Seattle which could take up to six weeks. 

Posted by meldh agent_duchovny

agent_duchovny wrote:
I asked a similar question at GM HQ on Friday and was told that in some cases the packets are sorted in Seattle which could take up to six weeks. 

Huh, thanks -- not like we are expecting money back or anything: so long as I eventually get an acknowledgement they've got the tickets, that's fine.

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