setting up events for a company (EO)
Posted by historicengraver

My group discussed running a few events this upcoming GenCon with the company reps of a GenCon exhibitor.  This will be our first time running events at GenCon and I had some questions that need answering before sending our event  proposals to the company reps for approval and registering those said events.

The events will be play and takes(the event fee includes a playing piece provided by the company).  How do we arrange an event so the money returned after the Con goes directly to the company?  Do we just  list them as the EO and our group submitting the events as the GMs?  

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!  Thanks!


Posted by derekguder

When you submit events with an extra fee, you have to confirm the payment name and address, so you'll want to confirm that with them.

And if you're running official events, you should list them as the group, as well, so they also get priority points, etc. from the event schedule.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

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