First Time Board Game Host (TMNT: Shadows of the Past Questions as well)
Posted by bsugrad


I have decided this year to try to run one of my favorite, if not completely my favorite game that I have ever picked up this year, TMNT.  Now.  With that being said, I am trying some things out that I think might help me in the long run and I would like some opinions if possible as a newbie.

1.  I have set my experience to "Some Knowledge" and hope that I won't have to teach the game.  I am offering up the scenarios that come with the game as different events (e.g. Book 1 as one, Book 2 as another, etc.)  I have also set the time limit of 3 hours based on this.  Should I expect that I won't get any newbies from this or should I still plan out a little tutorial time?

2.  To save time before the game, I have put out a jotform that will send out to the players.  I am requesting a first name, what day they signed up for as well as their first through seventh preferred characters to play for the event with a first come, first serve priority as to who gets to play who.  I also have an event that plays one story from the Kickstarter Campaign book.  Is this a smart way to save time or no?

3.  What is the likelihood that I get the table that I requested (Round for the dice sharing mechanic)?

4.  Has anyone been moved between games or do they usually keep you at the same table?

Thanks to everyone for at least looking, if not responding!

Posted by derekguder

  1. Realistically, you probably want to plan on players showing up expecting to learn the rules. I would plan on it and if everyone already knows then you'll have a bit more time to enjoy the game.
  2. I'm not quite sure I follow here, but it sounds like you're hoping players will fill out some details pre-game to help you get things prepared? Again, you'll need to play that people won't do that, but you can certainly set up a Google form or something to get basic details from some players and prep for them, at least.
  3. As long as you asked for something pretty reasonable, you should be fine on your table.
  4. We try to keep events on the same tables over the course of any given day, at least. That's usually only a problem with really late events, so as long as you submitted on time you should be OK. You'll get confirmation once we lock in locations.

Hope that helps - and thanks for volunteering to help run some more events at the show! I hope you have a blast at your events :)

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

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