Community Row

Community Row at Gen Con provides attendees with opportunities to interact with local gaming or gaming-adjacent groups and service organizations, to connect them with gamer-friendly activities outside of the four days of Gen Con. It’s also a great opportunity for these groups to engage with attendees and promote awareness about all the awesome things they do throughout the rest of the year.

Child Advocates table

Community Row at Gen Con Indy tables are open from 10 am to 6 pm Thursday to Saturday, and 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday. (Location for 2023 pending)

Attendees are welcome to stop by any time the tables are manned to talk to representatives from various organizations about local gaming, volunteering, and educational opportunities available year-round.

If your group would like to participate in Community Row, please review the Community Row Policies Document, and fill out the application form (link to the application form will open several weeks before the convention).

There is limited space for this program and not all eligible applicants may be accepted. Applications will be review by Gen Con staff and judged based on general suitability for the convention, mission of the applicant group, and balance/diversity of groups selected.

Participants must submit an application form by June 5. Groups will be selected and notified no later than June 26. Note: Late applications may be accepted pending remaining availability.
