Who? Really Built the Pyramids?
Thursday, 5:00 PM EDT for 5 hr Union Station: Lincoln

Game ID:
Gaming Group
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Short Description:
Ancient Pyramids. Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Akkadians, and Assyrians all built them. Ancient Aliens? Reptilians? Who really built the Pyramids? Come to 4000 B.C. & find out!
Long Description:
Set in Atlantis, Egypt and Peru we meet three great ancient civilizations to expore who really bulit the Pyramids. We mesh fantasy, ancient astronaut thoery and a general belief in the fantastic as the ancient rulers meet and form friendships or are entire civilzations destroyed? Players are either Atlantean, Egyptian or Peruvian as we start the game and then spin wildly towards utter chaos as we break all the rules about Who? Really Built the Pyramids?! We're not quite sure if a Tardis will appear. A BYOV Timey Wimey Game.
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
Minimum Players:
Maximum Players:
Minimum Age:
Mature (18+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
5 hr
End Date & Time:
Thursday, 10:00 PM EDT
Maris Rence, Caren Linn, Ed Allen, Beth Allen
Web Address
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No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: