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Hunt for the Ancient One
Thursday, 11:00 AM EDT for 5 hr ICC: Hall B : Red: 25

Game ID:
Gaming Group
/ Company:
Short Description:
The town of Deadlock has been overrun with cultists and void creatures. Stealing townspeople in the night for what heinous reason one can only guess.
Long Description:
Cultists and creatures from beyond imagination have been raiding the town of Deadlock. Rumors have been swirling about a dark cloud coming in and great danger on the horizon. Many townspeople have gone missing including several women and children. The Sheriff says everything points to old Dorado mine as the source of the creature and he's sure the cult is hiding out there as well. We're putting together a posse to go down there and snuff this thing out.
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
Minimum Players:
Maximum Players:
Minimum Age:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
5 hr
End Date & Time:
Thursday, 4:00 PM EDT
Aaron Mungillo
Web Address
for more information:
Email Address
for more information:
No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: