The annual how many Gencons have you attended thread.
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Posted by jmsetzer

To the OP: Since you asked, this will also be my 39th consecutive Gen Con :-)

Posted by sick_wookie

this will make 30, 29 in a row. 

Posted by vrecknidj

I have been to every Indy Gen Con, did some seminars during the COVID Gen Con, and did a small pile of Milwaukee Gen Cons. I don't know the exact number. My oldest son is 34, he's been to 29 and I've been with him for all of those. So, mine is in excess of 30; I think I also have been to all the ones while he was alive (so, that's 34), and I think I went to between 5 and 10 before that. My first one was in the mid-80s, maybe 84 or 85. 

Posted by al_kesselring

Well, if you're searching for one of the old fossils of Gencon, you found one.  I have been consecutively attending since 1981.  You know, before the internet, before cell phones, and before the International Space Station was sent into orbit.  And before you ask, "no", I never met the real Cleopatra, or Napoleon.  

Posted by rutherfordr

And you found another fossil - I've attended every Gen Con since 1978.
Napoleon was a bore, but Cleopatra was wonderful. :)

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