Baldman Games
Posted by castigere

Hey all --

Any news on if Baldman Games will be returning to GenCon this year and running their usual slate of amazing D&D games?  It's absolutely been the highlight of the last couple cons for me.  Love those guys!

Posted by del_grande castigere

The Baldman Games Facebook page says it will be there, and is currently conducting DM signups.

"This year in addition to a massive slate of new D&D Content we will also be running D&D Onslaught (from Wizkids) as well as Avalon Hills games (Heroquest, Yawning Portal, Betrayal at House on the Hill, etc)."

Posted by wavester castigere

castigere wrote:
Hey all --
Any news on if Baldman Games will be returning to GenCon this year and running their usual slate of amazing D&D games?  It's absolutely been the highlight of the last couple cons for me.  Love those guys!

but of course we'll be there. Over 20 years and counting. We'll be bringing Forgotten Realms (Red Wizards and Moonshae Isles - might even see a familiar face or two) as well as Dragonlance, Demo's, Learn to Play, Onslaught Demo's and tourneys, and Avalon Hill boardgames (Betrayal, Heroquest, etc). So a lot of excitement this year (which really means I should stop typing and get back to work on it).

Posted by sjackson

Bringing my oldest son. And his friend back to gencon  and all they want to play is dnd 5e with Bald man Games.   Very much looking forward to this year and seeing old friends   have missed a few years of winter fantasy 

Posted by wavester sjackson

sjackson wrote:
Bringing my oldest son. And his friend back to gencon  and all they want to play is dnd 5e with Bald man Games.   Very much looking forward to this year and seeing old friends   have missed a few years of winter fantasy 

Nice. We have a lot of exciting stuff to play. Probably more then they can fit in but they may take that as a challenge. 

Posted by pvoyles13

Are there any D&D games that my friends and I can bring our legally leveled characters to? It looks like almost all of the sessions say that pre-generated characters will be provided. 

Posted by wavester pvoyles13

pvoyles13 wrote:
Are there any D&D games that my friends and I can bring our legally leveled characters to? It looks like almost all of the sessions say that pre-generated characters will be provided. 

All of them. Just check the campaign (keep your FR characters out of Dragonlance for example). Everything we do is AL. We just have pregems at 1st and 5th if needed.

Posted by castigere

I didn't see many games that were for 1st level characters -- looks like all the D&D Experience games are 11th-16th (maybe a couple lower?).  Are you planning to add another tranche of games for lower level characters to the event list later?  Thanks!!

Posted by wavester

Dragonlance is our lower level campaign at the show (if you want to start at 1st level or 2nd after the LTP event).

AL allows you to start at 5th level now (pregen or make your own using the AL rules) so you can jump right into the Dreams of the Red Wizards campaign if you want. 

Posted by aegoce

Regarding the note above about checking the campaign on your characters,  is that true of all campaigns or something specific about Dragonlance.   I have a moonshae character I thought I could take into red wizard events (pretty much only do AL with bmg at Gen con so not sure on the general AL rules)

Posted by wavester aegoce

aegoce wrote:
Regarding the note above about checking the campaign on your characters,  is that true of all campaigns or something specific about Dragonlance.   I have a moonshae character I thought I could take into red wizard events (pretty much only do AL with bmg at Gen con so not sure on the general AL rules)

Specific to Dragonlance. All of our other campaigns are based in the Forgotten Realms (Dreams of the Red Wizards and Moonshae Isles). This includes the demo and Learn to Play. Learn to Play is actually a neutral both - you can play and go to 2nd and do FR or Dragonlance (but once you pick - you are locked in). 

Lower level play at Gen Con is funneled into the Dragonlance Campaign (our newest). 

Forgotten Realms play starts at 5th and goes all the way up to 16th at the show. FR allows you to start a character at 5th level so it is also an onramp if you want to dance with the Red Wizards (surviving said dance is not guaranteed - BMG is not responsible for character death or being turned into some kind of undead zombie assassins). 

Posted by castigere

I recall that in years past there was a lot of choice for lower level (1st-4th) 4 hour games, but it doesn't look like there were that many this year (and what there was of course has sold out fast fast fast).  I see lots of the onslaught game and demos/learn to plays.  The Learn to Play might be fun, but it says not for experienced players.  Are there going to be more lower level 1 shots dropped before the con, or is this it?  I really had fun at some of those!  Thanks!

Posted by wavester

Dragonlance is our new-new player experience this year once you move from Demo - LTP - Dragonlance

We will be seating more people onsite as always but doubtful we'll add tickets prior to the show (I like to keep a bit of a buffer leading up to the show because we know we're going to have DM's dropout) - that has allowed us to be able to say that I think we've not turned away a single real tickets in a good 4-5 years (sometimes we don't get all the generics sat though).

Starting last year, and into this year, we've found that as One D&D gets closer more and more players are finding they like starting at 5th level and playing forward then 1st. Same crunchy fun adventures - they just have more tools to use as characters in it.

Posted by narzat

For those who are doing the in-person D&D Experience (Tracks of Four Connected Adventures) with Baldman Games, pre-Con mustering has started on their Discord server:  A chance to get your DM and table of six players set in advance, so you can get right to it when your event time comes!  

Posted by mrbreaker

[This post has been removed]

Posted by danxso narzat

narzat wrote:
For those who are doing the in-person D&D Experience (Tracks of Four Connected Adventures) with Baldman Games, pre-Con mustering has started on their Discord casino server:  A chance to get your DM and table of six players set in advance, so you can get right to it when your event time comes!  
is the discord link correct? its not working for me

Posted by narzat

Yup, I just checked it and it is working.

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