Event Catalog 500 Error
Posted by childofthesun1

Clicking any event in the catalog returns a 500 error. This makes it impossible to work on the wishlists that are due in <5 hours.

Posted by njseahawksfan

Same error here.  How are we supposed to add events today?

Posted by cspressler

I hope this gets fixed asap. I had a person bail last minute so I had to drop some events and when I went to add them back in, i couldn't.

If this isn't fixed by noon, I dont think its fair to do event registration today.

Posted by hbergeron

Same here; I submitted a Zendesk ticket through support. I seriously hope they fix it soon, super unfortunate to happen on registration day! 

Posted by cspressler

Are they even awake to fix this issue?

Posted by hbergeron

I am on the Discord channel - mod has sent email and notices to the folks in Seattle, but it is very early there still.

Posted by njseahawksfan

It has been fixed as of 9:45 EST

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