Expanding into Lucas Oil Stadium!
Posted by rogersba


Wow! I wonder what other events beside TD will make the move?

Posted by dsalmeron

i wonder how cool that will be.

Posted by rodoubleb

Neat.  I never knew that there was an underground pedestrian tunnel.  

Posted by jedikitty

I think this will only mean good things !
I don't believe that anything I personally do will be moved over there, but.. I'm very excited about the news all the same !

Posted by marimaccadmin

I don't know yet what else will be over there, but I do know there are two very large Exhibit Halls over there.  I'm excited for us to get all this new space!

Forum Moderator

Posted by rodoubleb

Hopefully there will be full scale games of Blood Bowl in the stadium, but that seems both obvious and unlikely.  

Otherwise I'd like to host some flag foot ball events.  :)

Posted by vickers1

This sounds awesome and such!

Posted by a dark rider on a pale ... unicorn?

I'm hoping for a 65,000 person Killer Breakfast held in the stadium.

Posted by kevinj4

I'm wondering if this means that there will be an even BIGGER dealer hall!

Posted by monkeyknifefight kevinj4

kevinj4 wrote:
I'm wondering if this means that there will be an even BIGGER dealer hall!
From what I've heard the exhibit hall is stretching into Hall G where magic events were held in recent past. I would expect most the game events to be in ABCDE, and maybe F. I would expect the exhibit hall absorbs F eventually though too.

Posted by remnant rodoubleb

rodoubleb wrote:
Hopefully there will be full scale games of Blood Bowl in the stadium, but that seems both obvious and unlikely.  
Otherwise I'd like to host some flag foot ball events.  :)

I'd prefer Ultimate Frisbee... if I was still in shape or a decade younger...

Posted by britbrit

The biggest foam weapon battle we will ever see! 

Posted by lore seeker

Makes me wonder if the miniatures games are going to stay where they are or end up in LOS.

Posted by aklevah

While I have no inside info, I doubt that miniature games are moving to the stadium. 

The Gen Con announcement indicated that they were moving events into the stadium exhibition space.  The True Dungeon announcement, indicated that they are moving into the only 2 exhibit hall spaces that exist in the Stadium.  The Stadium exhibit hall space is a combined 44,000 sq ft, which is equivilant to what True Dungeon moved out of (Hall A is 44,400 sq ft.). 

If you looked at the images from the proposed 2016 exhibit hall (there is a comparison of 2015 and 2016 circulating on the internet), you will see that the exhibit hall is adding Hall F, but loosing Hall K, which is still a net in increase of 13,400 sq ft of Exhibit Hall space.  I think it is a safe assumption with the exhibit hall expanding in to Hall F, True Dungeon moves out of Hall A and in to the equivilant amount of space in Stadium Exhibition space, then all the other event space merely "slides down" to occupy Halls A thru E. 

There are also a series of meeting rooms in the Stadium on the exhibition level near the new True Dungeon space.  However, the are smaller rooms whose combied total square footage is 12,700 sq ft. 

Posted by kaledor

I am hoping TD does not raise it's prices again, so far every year they have raised $4.

the wandering monster wrote:
I'm hoping for a 65,000 person Killer Breakfast held in the stadium.
From what I am hearing Killer Breakfast might not be at GC 2016 :( Boooooo

Posted by marimaccadmin nellybelle

flip wrote:
the wandering monster wrote:
I'm hoping for a 65,000 person Killer Breakfast held in the stadium.
From what I am hearing Killer Breakfast might not be at GC 2016 :( Boooooo

Uh, where are you hearing this from?

Posted by nellybelle marimaccadmin

marimaccadmin wrote:
flip wrote:
the wandering monster wrote:
I'm hoping for a 65,000 person Killer Breakfast held in the stadium.
From what I am hearing Killer Breakfast might not be at GC 2016 :( Boooooo

Uh, where are you hearing this from?
Unclear of the source, I asked my friends about it since they mentioned it to me a little while back, they couldnt remember where they heard it. Could be a rumor since I havent seen anything official. I seriously hope that its on this year, its a tradition for my group to go... and you know, there was that "on the stage proposal" thing. :D

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