Con Crud
Posted by lore seeker

Started feeling the first effects of what I think is Con Crud today. Anybody else feel that creeping up on them yet?

And while we're on the subject: any ideas for preventative steps to avoid this in the future?

Posted by rhone1

Con Crud is the worst!  

A few years ago I started this routine:

Elderberry syrup (natural ant-viral, sold in the cough syrup section of drug stores) 2 times per day
Airborne (sold everywhere) 2 times per day
Vitamin packs (take your pick)
Hand sanitizer (use a bunch each day)
Tons of water

Haven't been sick in years.  I don't have any science to back this up, but it seems to work for me.

Posted by x51

Uggh...made it 14 years without an issue. 15th year and con crud for me. Yay!

Posted by maijstral2

Hand sanitizer and try not to touch bathroom/door/railings with your bare hands.Most people remember to wash thier hands after using a public restroom but then reach out and push the door open with those same hands. I open the doors with my elbows or in the rare cases of inward opening door a paper towel in hand. I love the auto faucets in the bathrooms for the same reason. When I shake hands or handle something a million other people handle I use a little hand sanitizer and keep a handkerchief/bandana on hand. 
 I've been going to Gencon for 14 years and never gotten Con Crud with just those few simple rules.

Posted by deadsaidfred

This was my first Get Con, but have attended a crazy number of technology conferences - some with Gen Con-like attendance.  I think its really luck on whether you encounter the crud germs while you are there.  That said, I like to believe that getting a reasonable amount of sleep, eating somewhat healthy and washing my hands often has largely, but not completely, helped me avoid the con-plague...  

Your mileage may vary... 

Posted by maijstral2 maijstral2

Double post

Posted by braewe

I know it's not friendly but I have stopped sharing dice...and that with wash hands and sanitize has done wonders.

Posted by dautzen64

Feeling it this year. Scratchy throat yesterday, congestion today. Maybe slightly feverish.

At least I start the new job next week, and not this one!

Posted by garhkal

Every con i get the scratchy frog throat.  But imo that's just from DMING so damn many games..

Posted by lore seeker garhkal

garhkal wrote:
Every con i get the scratchy frog throat.  But imo that's just from DMING so damn many games..

Probably. But if you start to feel that same burn in your nostrils too, like I am right now, it's probably con crud.

Posted by soulcatcher78

All of the in and out of AC caught up to us by Sunday.  I seem to be shaking off the worst of the sinus issues by now (going back to work today so that's a good thing) so hoping I rolled high enough miss the sinus infection portion of the Crud.

Posted by andrewj.rager

I started feeling it on Sunday as well with the sinus pressure and running nose. Its still going strong today, but Monday was the worst. Wife got it as well, but our friend didn't

Posted by adcjones

Wash your hands often, keeps your hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes.

Get plenty of sleep.  Lack of sleep during the Con will cripple you early.  

Eat healthy, hydrate.

I've never had the crud.

Posted by dream spawn

I'm still OK, but my daughter seems to have come down with it yesterday. So I may still end up with it.

Posted by njseahawksfan

I never caught the crud until this year.  Luckly for me, the symptoms didn't start until Monday so it didn't impact my GenCon!

Posted by melkor

Vitamins, Gatorade, and lots of water. Sleep and 
healthy eating where possible help too.

Posted by bakermouse10133

I start taking  Airborne 2 weeks ahead of the convention.

+1 also to:
*keep your hands away from your face
*wash your hands, a lot
*stay hydrated
*get some sleep

And a shower before bed to wash off anything else that might me hanging on. 
(I shower in the morning too, I never feel fully awake without a shower in the morning)

Posted by helenbb

Zicam works for me. I start taking it as soon as I feel that throat tickle.

Posted by garhkal soulcatcher78

father bloodlust wrote:
garhkal wrote:
Every con i get the scratchy frog throat.  But imo that's just from DMING so damn many games..

Probably. But if you start to feel that same burn in your nostrils too, like I am right now, it's probably con crud.

Nope.  Hell my throat cleared up by morning wednesday.
soulcatcher78 wrote:
All of the in and out of AC caught up to us by Sunday.  I seem to be shaking off the worst of the sinus issues by now (going back to work today so that's a good thing) so hoping I rolled high enough miss the sinus infection portion of the Crud.

YEa that going from the AC'ed LOS outside into the humidity, time and time again was a bummer..


Posted by skilletaudio

Washed hands before and after every game, before and after every time I ate. So far no plague. Never a silver bullet when you get packed in with lots of people, consider it good training for the flu season this year.

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