So, maybe I'm just missing it, but I'm not seeing any of the miniature speed paint events. I really enjoy this event every year. Can anyone give any insight to this?
Thank you in advance!
Bumping for interest.
I found 2 events with the title Speed Painting with Inks, Glazes & Washes. Not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for.
Those are not the ones, the events we are referring to are competitions held roughly every hour for the whole con. Thank you for checking though.
Well, a large number of events will get posted between now & the end of July. Maybe they're doing, but just didn't get them submitted in time to be included before Sunday.
This site is a good way to keep up with new events.
I appreciate the posts guys, I guess I was just thrown off because speed paint is such a hot item that it pretty much has to be wish listed to try to get it :) No worries though!
I too am very interested in trying the Speed Painting competition this year. Is this a pre registration event or is it just handled via generic tickets?
Yeah, these are like an annual tradition for me! I hope they come back, just so I can come in third place again. :-)
Still no speed paints. It's unusual for them not to be up by now. Are they late or are they just not happening? I always looked forward to doing a few and they always filled up.
The MHE facebook page said they will be happening. Something was delaying them.
Speed painting events posted.