The Final Countdown
Posted by cmegus

Everyone set?

40 minutes to go as of this posting.

it’s like a New Years Eve clock... even going through this many times, I still feel this crazy excitement.

Wohoo. Heh.


Posted by legotyler

Ready to go! I'm already seeing the occasional slow down of the servers as everyone makes sure their lists are set... Like you, I'm excited. This will be my 3rd GenCon and this part feels like a wild ride every year. 

Posted by jelake

Is it just me or is everything slowing down on this site already.  Afraid to refresh and get a timeout, but I don't want my logged  session to be exited when the button turns green.

Edit: better now.

Posted by hahnarama

17 minutes until disappointment 

Posted by legotyler

Hah! Yeah, I can understand that sentiment, hahnarama. Although truth be told, I feel like my disappointment is usually because I can't be in two places at the same time. Like Thursday night, when I want to be at both the Pathfinder 2 launch and at the Imperial Settlers Roll and Write launch. *sigh* too many games, never enough time.

Posted by mootmacleod

Six minutes to even get into the server from the straight up start time.  21 minutes after the hour and I'm still number 7876 in line for processing my wish list.  Doesn't look good for my list. . . 

Posted by jelake

Wishlist processed after 3658 in queue.  Didn't get my top item, or my last ironically.  Guess I'll have to lurk their availability in the coming days/weeks if I want them.  What a pain.

Edit:  Not so much of a pain, 3 people put my top event ticket back and I got one!

Posted by samlamiam

Very thankful I got my top few items.  Maybe my tastes just go against the grain.

Posted by komoridarkclaw

I was very happily surprised.
~7500 in queue to start after 6 minutes of Processing. Watched the countdown as my wishlist turned grey.

However, once it actually processed, I got just about everything I wanted. One run of each of the True Dungeons, one of the Megagames (though not the one I really wanted), and a smattering of other events.

Yay for me I guess. Hope everyone else's luck is similar :)


Posted by hahnarama

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.  ~Gen Con Staff philosophy concerning event registration 

Posted by dwe113 hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.  ~Gen Con Staff philosophy concerning event registration 
explain how they expect different results

they are getting the same results and obviously feel that it is working well enough....I agree....its not easy to try to sell thousands of event tickets to thousands of gamers and keep everyone happy

Posted by colin1012

Sometimes it's easy to focus on what you didn't get rather than what you did. I missed two games that I would love to really play probably my most anticipated game of the last couple of years and easily my second fav game of all time. However, I did manage to get a couple of games I haven't played much or in years and maybe I get lucky and pick up the two events later after someone changes their mind. If not I have options I can be sadistic to my wallet in the exhibit hall or replace them with other games, might even try something new! To be honest, sometimes I just like those random conversations when I have a few hours kill. To paraphrase Mr. Jager "I can't always get what I want but sometimes I get what I need".

Posted by hahnarama dwe113

dwe113 wrote:
hahnarama wrote:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.  ~Gen Con Staff philosophy concerning event registration 
explain how they expect different results

I'm curious do you play Fantasy Football?  Trust me it's not a stupid question

Posted by dwe113 hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
dwe113 wrote:
hahnarama wrote:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.  ~Gen Con Staff philosophy concerning event registration 
explain how they expect different results

I'm curious do you play Fantasy Football?  Trust me it's not a stupid question

ok i'm game...yeah I have played....I'm not going to this year because screw Kareem Hunt thats why lol

Posted by ar6474

Way better result than last year...I lucked out , hit the submit button right at 11am central and was probably top few hundred .. I got everything on my list and results with in 15 minutes.. I had other people at my house that submitted at the same time and they were queued up for over an hour. 11 events and tickets for 4 people on each event.. done and paid for.

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