What Are you Looking foreward too?
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Posted by whisper721

Whats Everyone looking forward too.. in a positive manner......

Me... I am looking fwd to seeing total strangers happy... just enjoying being a nerd!!!!  Some of my fondest memories are seeing  kids (   including 20 somethings lol) just walking.. talking... smiling,.. laughing...etc.

Im looking fwd to.. getting some paints... maybe an airbrush set... 

and looking fwd to the general feelin of being home for 4 days .

Posted by whisper721

UUGH.. my spell check changed the spelling.... sorry

Posted by lore seeker

Getting back out to an in-person convention, running adventures I've written, browsing the exhibit hall, playing Pathfinder and Starfinder Society games...lots of things, really.

Posted by whisper721 lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
Getting back out to an in-person convention, running adventures I've written, browsing the exhibit hall, playing Pathfinder and Starfinder Society games...lots of things, really.
Every year I swear Im gonna try o demo pathfinder or star finder... but I walk in the ballroom... get overwhelmed and leave lol.

Posted by helenbb

[This post has been removed]

Posted by njseahawksfan

I was contacted by {Game Company} and asked if I wanted to run demos for them this year (not sure if names of companies attending is supposed to be public knowledge yet so just being super careful to not be "that guy").

Anyhow, I love meeting all of you folks and teaching a new game, so I am really excited to be back running demos this year!!

Posted by lore seeker helenbb

helenbb wrote:
Outside of just being at a con again and being able to see people and socialize....
I'm looking forward to True Dungeon and Gamers: Live. And I really hope NASCRAG too, although I wonder if they are going to be there... no announcement yet. *crosses fingers*

 I thought NASCRAG said they were going to be there in reduced capacity?

Posted by ungmar9567

When I went to my first Gen Con in 1992, I remember walking inside and smiling, and thinking, "These are my people!" And that's what I'm looking forward to most. Just getting that feeling back.

I look forward to the ICC smell. The Exhibit Hall. Buying some Gen Con gear. Hopefully enjoying a Gen Con beer at one of the restaurants. It will be different without the Ram, but I hope another restaurant pulls out all the stops for us.

Unfortunately, it will be smaller. Some of my friends won't go. But I am very glad we will have an in-person Gen Con at all this year.

Posted by toxic_rat

Things I'm looking forward to:
- Having to stop talking in the exhibit hall because the loudspeaker is shouting "Attention GenCon Attendees"
- Seeing the great cosplay outfits
- Browsing in the exhibit hall, and being surprised at how much I like a game after a demo
- Disconnecting from the world for a few days
- A thousand other things that I've forgotten about, and will be pleasantly reminded when I arrive at the ICC.

Posted by lore seeker

Well, so much for Pathfinder and Starfinder Society events, at least in person.

Posted by kevinrg lore seeker

Unfortunately why I rolled my badge.

At the end of the day, I didn't know what I would be looking forward to because I didn't know what would be there to look forward to unfortunately.

Posted by lore seeker kevinrg

kevinrg wrote:
Unfortunately why I rolled my badge.At the end of the day, I didn't know what I would be looking forward to because I didn't know what would be there to look forward to unfortunately.

Yeah, from the sounds of that forum post, some people went the opposite direction and are not happy about Paizo making the call after the deadline for that (and I can't say I blame them).

There's gonna be enough events that I'll play (plus the ones I'm running) that this announcement won't ruin it for me, but it still sucks.

Posted by kevinrg

I still hope to snag a 1 or 2 day pass and go and whatever happens, happens, but didn't want to go full commitment.

Flying Frog mentioned they will be there so, worst case I buy a bunch of Brimstone stuff. :)


Posted by quarex

Ungmar9567 nailed it for me; Gen-Con is pretty much the only time of the year I do something where I actually feel even slightly like I belong there and am doing the right thing.  I knew I was going to miss that when the show was cancelled last year, but I did not know just how much I missed it until the news that the Auction was not happening hit.  Suddenly, the single thing I looked forward to the most was cancelled, and the way I have been getting my badge the last ten years was not going to be possible this year.

So suddenly I was faced with forces pushing from opposite directions--"the thing you want to go for the most is not happening!" and "you might not be able to go anyway!"  This quickly showed me just how much bigger Gen-Con is for me than any one (or even any handful of) things, as I never once doubted I still wanted to go, and got excited to try to beat the rush on the 23rd and get a badge!

Posted by jpederso

I'm looking forward to that feeling I get entering the con early (before 9) knowing I've got 6 - 8 hours of gaming scheduled and all the time in between to do stuff that I enjoy (wandering the vendor hall, attending the auction, catching a seminar, people watching) 

Posted by whisper721 ungmar9567

ungmar9567 wrote:
When I went to my first Gen Con in 1992, I remember walking inside and smiling, and thinking, "These are my people!" And that's what I'm looking forward to most. Just getting that feeling back.
I look forward to the ICC smell. The Exhibit Hall. Buying some Gen Con gear. Hopefully enjoying a Gen Con beer at one of the restaurants. It will be different without the Ram, but I hope another restaurant pulls out all the stops for us.
Unfortunately, it will be smaller. Some of my friends won't go. But I am very glad we will have an in-person Gen Con at all this year.
Yes... I love entering the ICC and the initial smell of burnt cheese from the pizza place... signals Im home...  Sounds wierd but it does..... I will always take tome to just sit and people watch for a few and just listen to the happy sounds.. .laughter.. talking etc.

Posted by xanathon

Honestly I have no idea as we don't know what will be offered this year.  We are only just now being told that a couple of large companies will not have a physical presence this year.

Posted by adcjones

I'm looking forward to not ever feeling excited about GenCon again.  After two years of not attending, my motivation is destroyed.

Posted by aaronr whisper721

whisper721 wrote:and looking fwd to the general feelin of being home for 4 days .

That is it for me (although closer to 6 days). I am looking forward to being around a huge amount of people who all share an interest in some of my favorite things. What games I will play, demo, or buy is up in the air but I am certain that I will have an amazing time because I will be amongst my people and after the past year that is enough to have me extremely excited.

Posted by whisper721

On the people-watching side... My Fav to see at the con are the teens / preteens that don't have $3000.00 to blow on an amazing 40k outfit... but make theirs using whatever they find and rep their fav anime... game.. etc...  It warms my heart when I see them just walking... talking .. having fun with friends or family.  Zero cares.. zero worries for 4 days.  These folks are the ones to shape the gaming future.. or keep alive the old games.

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