Business Cards by Non-Vendors?
Posted by infiniteaelk

This may be an odd question, but a friend of mine and I were planning on doing cosplay from a book a friend wrote and posted online. We figured we may get a lot of questions, so thought the best way to answer would be through a little business card directing people to the story. It's fun and creative and gives exposure to the friend. But we also saw that places like SDCC say that non-vendors can't pass out cards. We would only be passing them to people who directly ask, not accosting anyone, but is there any such policy for GenCon? We don't want to break any rules and wanted to ask before we got too far in the creation process.
We already asked the Subreddit and they directed us here to ask staff directly. Any help would be great! Thank you!

Posted by austicke

You're fine. Just don't pass them out to random people you've had no interaction with.

Posted by infiniteaelk austicke

austicke wrote:
You're fine. Just don't pass them out to random people you've had no interaction with.
o7 10-4! Not a problem and thank you so much!

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