How do I cancel my events?
Posted by toddmiller


I've decided not to go to Gen Con this year. Who do I contact to cancel the games I was going to run? Thank you!

Posted by donaldbain

Before the convention, you can cancel or change an event by emailing [email protected] the event title, eventID, and event start time.

Posted by toddmiller

Thank you!

Posted by langegames

When is a reasonable time in advance to cancel an RPG event that no one has signed up for? If no one has signed up a week before is it okay to cancel it then? Or?

Posted by derekguder langegames

langegames wrote:
When is a reasonable time in advance to cancel an RPG event that no one has signed up for? If no one has signed up a week before is it okay to cancel it then? Or?

It depends on the context and whether you reasonably expect you'll see an influx of players onsite, whether from direct registrations or generics.

There are probably 3 key questions to sort out when deciding to cancel something:

  1. Do you want to run the event, or would you prefer to cancel it? If you are eager to run it and you really want to play, then keep it in the schedule and try promoting it a bit, likely in the Discord or in online communities for that game.
  2. Do you have another events you would rather run in it's place that you think would get more players?
  3. Have you requested/received anything based on that event, like a badge or hotel room?

If you don't need the player-hours from that event and you don't really want to run it (or would rather run something else at this point), then you may as well cancel it sooner rather than later.

But if you do need that event to cover your badge or hotel, or you are simply excited about running it, then stay the course and focus on promotion or recruiting players.

Things can get more complicated when you're looking at larger events or things that have some tickets sold but not enough, but for most RPGs that can function fine with as few as 4 players, you can go from "empty" to "full enough" from just a couple of friends who decide to sign up on a whim.

Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

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