Posted by grognard262

I just received a new survey, and I think question #6 is flawed:

(6) Which of the following statements best describes your attitude towards Gen Con 2021?

  • I will attend only if I am vaccinated, proof of vaccinations are required, masks are mandated, social distancing is enforced, and efforts to routinely sanitize spaces throughout the show are carried out
  • I will attend if masks, social distancing, and sanitizing are enforced, regardless of whether myself or others are vaccinated
  • I will attend even if I am not vaccinated and there are no enhanced safety measures (masks, social distancing, sanitizing) in place
  • I do not plan on attending a physical Gen Con in 2021
  • I am not sure of my plans to attend Gen Con at this time

What is missing is something like:

  • I will attend if I am vaccinated whether or not there are enhanced safety measures (masks, social distancing, sanitizing) in place

As long as I am vaccinated, I don't care much about the rest of it.  None of the answers seem to really capture that sentiment, and I assume some others will feel that way as well.

Posted by colbrook

I wrote in pretty much the same answer for that one

Posted by ryric

I also wrote basically that answer.

Posted by monkeyknifefight grognard262

chaoticneutral262 wrote:
I just received a new survey, and I think question #6 is flawed:
(6) Which of the following statements best describes your attitude towards Gen Con 2021?

  • I will attend only if I am vaccinated, proof of vaccinations are required, masks are mandated, social distancing is enforced, and efforts to routinely sanitize spaces throughout the show are carried out
  • I will attend if masks, social distancing, and sanitizing are enforced, regardless of whether myself or others are vaccinated
  • I will attend even if I am not vaccinated and there are no enhanced safety measures (masks, social distancing, sanitizing) in place
  • I do not plan on attending a physical Gen Con in 2021
  • I am not sure of my plans to attend Gen Con at this time

What is missing is something like:

  • I will attend if I am vaccinated whether or not there are enhanced safety measures (masks, social distancing, sanitizing) in place

As long as I am vaccinated, I don't care much about the rest of it.  None of the answers seem to really capture that sentiment, and I assume some others will feel that way as well.

I agree. That is what I would have picked too. I had to write in several answers.  It seems to be slanted towards “we want masks” or mandatory vaccinations. 

Posted by kevinrg

"On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your interest in attending Gen Con if it didn’t have a significant volume of games to play and space dedicated to playing them. (1 = not interested, 10 = very interested)"

Is there a value lower than 1?

Rolled over the badge, but was planning on maybe getting a day or two badge, but I'm getting the sense that I'll just be sitting out 2021.  

Posted by boute001

I agree on the poor options on the survey.  I do not plan on getting vaccinated but have no problem at all wearing a mask.  I will be extremely upset if gencon states that vaccinations are required come late July after I no longer can roll over my badge.  As well as after I book a hotel and make travel plans.


Posted by matthias9

I don't expect masks to be very palatable 4 months from now.  Already, a lot of businesses are removing them.

The sad thing is that many people will refuse the vaccine and be a petri dish for the virus.

Survey didn't really allow me to answer require vaccines but not masks.  

Also, wish it was more about following the recommendations of public health officials than it was about popularity contest. 

Posted by colbrook matthias9

matthias9 wrote:
Also, wish it was more about following the recommendations of public health officials than it was about popularity contest. 
It probably is mostly about official recommendations, but also polling the potential audience can be very useful.

Posted by dotificus ryric

ryric wrote:
I also wrote basically that answer.
I totes wrote in the same thing. I'm vaccinated, so will attend if I can get a badge. The sanitizing seems nice for Con Crud. The face masking I'm ambivalent on per the current CDC guidelines for vaccinated folks. 

Posted by jeff321

Agreed. There were a couple bad questions on this survey.

I'm vaccinated. I'm going. I don't really care what restrictions are in place.

Somewhat hoping there won't be a mask requirement by then though.

Posted by xanathon

Agreed.  Gen Con needs to stop this ultra reserved way of thinking and understand that people are getting vaccinated and we don't need to be handled like we are extremely fragile.

Posted by donaldbain

I should have added in the closing comment box something about paying 2019 prices for what's shaping up to be a 2009 con.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

I'm vaccinated, and not going.  I have no wish to spend thousands to attend a moth-eaten Con.  I'll wait for 2022.

Posted by matthias9 donaldbain

donaldbain wrote:
I should have added in the closing comment box something about paying 2019 prices for what's shaping up to be a 2009 con.

As someone who had tons of fun at 2009 Gen Con, that doesn't scare me away.

I saw some people posting on Paizo's page that they are happy it canceled because they weren't going to go and now won't have "FOMO".  I think there is a lot of that kind of thing going on here.  Most likely, that kind of sentiment is skewing the survey results.

Posted by squirecam kevinrg

kevinrg wrote:
"On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your interest in attending Gen Con if it didn’t have a significant volume of games to play and space dedicated to playing them. (1 = not interested, 10 = very interested)"
Is there a value lower than 1?
Rolled over the badge, but was planning on maybe getting a day or two badge, but I'm getting the sense that I'll just be sitting out 2021.  
I'm not sure how useful this survey was. What  a significant amount of games or space is different from person to person. 

Posted by cptmusket

I thought that question was flawed as well.  The answers were all in with vaccines and all other mitigations, all other mitigation but no vaccine, or free for all. THe current guidance is Vaccine is good enough that no other mitigations are required for those who are vaccinated.

I think it might be a hold over from the first survey they sent out before vaccines were widely available.

I wish there was an option to "Follow CDC guidelines at time of event."  I plan to go, and would like to follow whatever the CDC says.  I am vaccinated, so right now that means a mask does basically nothing to protect me, and nothing to protect someone next to me, with an extremely small chance that I will catch a case that is symptomatic, and then due to being symptomatic possibly contagious.

I think a month from now most people will be comfortable without masks, and will be well on our way to being back to 2019 normal.  I can't imagine in September, two to three months after masks have all but disappeared for all but a minority, Gen Con asking us to get them back out. I do have some concern after the last May update that it could happen.  Masks will always be "better" and I am afraid that Gen Con may choose to go the way of super conservative measures.  They are still talking about daily shut downs for cleaning, which the CDC has stated were not necessary.

I want to play games, but I mostly demo what is new and coming out, so as long as there are demos available in the dealer hall, and the various game libraries, I can find a good time!

Posted by notavailableeither

I agree with many of the comments above.  I didn't make a selection, just put in comments.

I don't think social distancing or proof of vaccination is realistic.  I'm sure there's plenty of people on the internet already making a bundle producing fake "proof".

Posted by matthias9

Wow.  I'd like to comment here but the cptmusket post above nails it so hard, so why try to improve on that?

Posted by kevinrg squirecam

squirecam wrote:
=inheritI'm not sure how useful this survey was. What  a significant amount of games or space is different from person to person. 

Good point.  For me, not a significant number of games or space to play basically means, for me, bare bones and just not that much to do. 

If you are in a position that as a gaming convention, you are needing to go thin on game events or games to play, then really.. there is no point.   If just the vendor hall, at that point, I'd get a one day ticket, drive down.. spend 4-5 hours in the vendor hall, leave and view my badge as a donation to help them to get by financially until 2022.


Posted by quarex

I am glad to hear I am not the only one who saw #6 and was like "none of these even come close to capturing my feeling" (which, indeed, was basically the same thing the rest of you are saying: hey, I got my vaccination; you do your thing, daddy-o).

Also seconded that I am excited if this shapes up to be 2009, or even 1999.  All those people complaining about the overcrowding, you have a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here to re-experience the Good Old Days!  And yes, you can cynically say there are restrictions and absences and such, but like, Paizo did not even exist for most of Gen-Con's history.  We all grow and change in our nerdy interests over time.  If you give the convention a chance, I have no doubt you will have a fantastic time just being able to mingle with gamers en masse again.

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