Posted by fethbone

Just glad comments were accepted as answers since I had to free-text answer most of the multiple-choice questions as the answer options provided often did not come close to my feelings about the questions.

Also thought it was somewhat poor practice that they did not give a "prefer not to answer" option for question 2, for those of us who don't wish to share our health information unnecessarily. Yes, you could answer that with a comment, but it made it seem like they didn't think that might be a common or worthwhile enough response to make it a pre-generated choice.

Posted by boute001

It was strange to me that they did not have any responses for people that are choosing not to get vaccinated but also fully support a mask mandatory con so that everyone would feel more comfortable.  The questions seemed very much full of assumptions.

Posted by squirecam boute001

boute001 wrote:
It was strange to me that they did not have any responses for people that are choosing not to get vaccinated but also fully support a mask mandatory con so that everyone would feel more comfortable.  The questions seemed very much full of assumptions.
I've seen many people who say they will not be vaccinated...Most of them are not wearing masks.

To me, its a fair assumption by Gencon.

Posted by sovietprince

starting to wonder if the not enough game events question means there wont be much in that area, i kinda go to a gaming convention to you know game can't spend all my time in the vender hall

Posted by scarab_beetle quarex

quarex wrote:
I am glad to hear I am not the only one who saw #6 and was like "none of these even come close to capturing my feeling" (which, indeed, was basically the same thing the rest of you are saying: hey, I got my vaccination; you do your thing, daddy-o).
Also seconded that I am excited if this shapes up to be 2009, or even 1999.  All those people complaining about the overcrowding, you have a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here to re-experience the Good Old Days!  And yes, you can cynically say there are restrictions and absences and such, but like, Paizo did not even exist for most of Gen-Con's history.  We all grow and change in our nerdy interests over time.  If you give the convention a chance, I have no doubt you will have a fantastic time just being able to mingle with gamers en masse again.

I am so here, as well.  It should be very nostalgic for me and a new experience for my sister-in-law who is coming with me.


Posted by boute001 squirecam

squirecam wrote:
boute001 wrote:
It was strange to me that they did not have any responses for people that are choosing not to get vaccinated but also fully support a mask mandatory con so that everyone would feel more comfortable.  The questions seemed very much full of assumptions.
I've seen many people who say they will not be vaccinated...Most of them are not wearing masks.To me, its a fair assumption by Gencon.
so you assuming all people not feeling comfortable with getting the vaccine is against all forms of health and safety is as ignorant as me saying all people that took the vaccine will have 2 masks on and latex gloves while walking down the aisle at the con in a clear bubble.    

I don’t see the purpose of sending out another survey to gauge people’s feelings about safety while stereotyping people based on their personal comfort level of the vaccine.  The entire group I plan to attend the con with are all currently not vaccinated but wear masks everyone we go.  So maybe be more open minded that there is a much larger % of people in this category than you experience in your small opinionated sample size.

Posted by selene314 boute001

boute001 wrote:
squirecam wrote:
boute001 wrote:
It was strange to me that they did not have any responses for people that are choosing not to get vaccinated but also fully support a mask mandatory con so that everyone would feel more comfortable.  The questions seemed very much full of assumptions.
I've seen many people who say they will not be vaccinated...Most of them are not wearing masks.To me, its a fair assumption by Gencon.
so you assuming all people not feeling comfortable with getting the vaccine is against all forms of health and safety is as ignorant as me saying all people that took the vaccine will have 2 masks on and latex gloves while walking down the aisle at the con in a clear bubble.    I don’t see the purpose of sending out another survey to gauge people’s feelings about safety while stereotyping people based on their personal comfort level of the vaccine.  The entire group I plan to attend the con with are all currently not vaccinated but wear masks everyone we go.  So maybe be more open minded that there is a much larger % of people in this category than you experience in your small opinionated sample size.

To tentatively replace these anecdotes with statistics, a survey recently published in the New York Times shows four categories of people who are not vaccinated:
8% of respondents are concerned about vaccine safety
9% want the vaccine but don't have access (e.g. can't afford a day off work)
4% don't trust the public health system
14% don't believe COVID is real/dangerous.

If we assume that the first three groups are mostly wearing masks, they somewhat outnumber the non-masked group.

Posted by papabees

There are also people who have had COVID, currently test positive for Antibodies and aren't quite ready yet to trust the vaccine.

Posted by squirecam selene314

selene314 wrote:
boute001 wrote:
squirecam wrote:
boute001 wrote:
It was strange to me that they did not have any responses for people that are choosing not to get vaccinated but also fully support a mask mandatory con so that everyone would feel more comfortable.  The questions seemed very much full of assumptions.
I've seen many people who say they will not be vaccinated...Most of them are not wearing masks.To me, its a fair assumption by Gencon.
so you assuming all people not feeling comfortable with getting the vaccine is against all forms of health and safety is as ignorant as me saying all people that took the vaccine will have 2 masks on and latex gloves while walking down the aisle at the con in a clear bubble.    I don’t see the purpose of sending out another survey to gauge people’s feelings about safety while stereotyping people based on their personal comfort level of the vaccine.  The entire group I plan to attend the con with are all currently not vaccinated but wear masks everyone we go.  So maybe be more open minded that there is a much larger % of people in this category than you experience in your small opinionated sample size.

To tentatively replace these anecdotes with statistics, a survey recently published in the New York Times shows four categories of people who are not vaccinated:
8% of respondents are concerned about vaccine safety
9% want the vaccine but don't have access (e.g. can't afford a day off work)
4% don't trust the public health system
14% don't believe COVID is real/dangerous.If we assume that the first three groups are mostly wearing masks, they somewhat outnumber the non-masked group.
This survey would say otherwise. The point is there will be alot of unvaccinated people who will decide they dont need to wear a mask despite the CDC saying they do.

Gencon will decide whether to make everyone wear one so they have to, or everyone not wear one. Since I doubt they will require a vaccine passport to go maskless.

For instance, three in five (63%) vaccine-refusers believe it is safe for unvaccinated people to socialize indoors with other unvaccinated people without wearing a mask. Just 38% of Americans who have gotten at least one COVID-19 shot think it is safe for vaccinated people to socialize indoors with people who are vaccinated sans masks.

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