Private Escape Rooms / True Dungeon Adventures
Posted by slyfox676

Hello! Myself and 5 others will be attending GenCon for the first time! We are really excited about the variety of events and looking forward to our time. We were curious if the escape rooms and the true dungeon adventures if booked would only be our group? Or would we also have the potential to have others join us as well in order to fill the time slot to capacity.

Posted by aegoce

If you don't take all the slots for an escape room or true dungeon, the remaining tickets are available for other attendees to pick up.  True Dungeons are all for 10 people (sometimes they'll go with 11 if everybody is amenable to it but I don't think it's common).  The escape rooms vary a bit in how many tickets per time slot they offer based on size generally, some may be 6 person.

Posted by slyfox676

Thank you for letting me know! 

Posted by persiandragoon

If you have other questions or want to try and find other members of your group

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