BIPOC Lounge
( Locked)
Posted by mbeauparland

Sorry benevolent and patient moderators!

I remain interested in seeing the games spotlighted in the lounge....

Posted by mbeauparland lanogironu

lanigironu wrote:
mbeauparland wrote:
A fairly serious answer...It's not about "white people being so important," it's about preventing anyone of any racial heritage from experiencing and learning about anything they wish to at Gen Con.  I wouldn't be happy if Gen Con created a special area exclusively for White Men, because it would fly in the face of the stated goal of being inclusive to all. Creating something exclusive for another group would be similarly unacceptable.
We don't build better relations by putting up fences,  we just build better fences.

Then why have tickets, why have events, why have sections for various gaming with table limits? GenCon should just let insecure people go do whatever they want wherever they want and however they want because that's what being truly inclusive is about. A badge to get in is a fence. A vaccine requirement is a fence. An event ticket to do something is a fence. The price of a game at a vendor is a fence. But those fences are okay to you, but this one fence (I'm sure the Christian event fence is A OK to you) is a problem because you think it's exclusionary when it clearly says the Lounge is open and wants to shine a spotlight on BIPOC works and creators.  If you actually cared about better relations, then you would 
1. Have correctly read the announcement to see you are more than welcome to the lounge to support BIPOC creators 
2. You would understand the historical precedent and demographics (they'll never announce it but I bet GenCon is 85%+ white people and nearly 75% white dudes) that make a BIPOC showcase worthwhile 
3. You would either quietly support the Lounge understanding its purpose, or you'd make time to go by there and support creators that for a lot of reasons are underrepresented in the community 

I honestly can't tell if I'm being lectured to or inexpertly trolled...

Regardless,  since polite conversation is impossible,  have a good con...

Posted by surrealrain

As I recall we got a bit of this when female creators were highlighted and had several seminars etc several years ago in the wake of gamergate.

Highlighting and providing space to minority creators for networking/working/discussion is supportive, not exclusive. Historically these groups have been, either explicitly or implicitly excluded from spaces including gaming. As a white male you don't have to look for representation, people like you, or places with others like you. That's why things like this lounge are important.

And again, explicitly no one is excluded, it's simply that a group that is often underrepresented is being highlighted and supported.

Posted by mbeauparland

I'm not sure who you're responding to, but I think we all agree that a place to showcase underrepresented creators is a good thing. Allowing those same creators to expand their support base is also a good thing.  Nothing will please me more than going to that area and finding something so truly unique I  can't wait to give the creators all my dough....


Posted by dalthius mikeboozer

mikeboozer wrote:
We will be making some clarifying statements considering the BIPOC lounge soon. We will post them here...if this topic remains open that is.

Hey Mike! Appreciate the patience. I believe the majority are interested in clarifying statements, but I won’t speak for them. I for one do plan on strolling through the BIPOC lounge, I was just concerned by some of the verbiage, which was exacerbated by Gauntlet’s response. I do hope the thread stays open, despite some attempts to hijack the topic. As always, though, good (healthy) conversation is always nice. 


Posted by dsmart

From the BIPOC event descriptions: "for BIPOC individuals" and "connect with fellow Gen Con POC attendees".

PerhapsRose Gauntlet Entertainment isn't from the US and isn't aware that "separate but equal" is a very slippery slope and doesn't work as a positive way to segregate people by race.

Posted by fethbone

Darn, and here I was hoping there was finally a place I could escape from my Better Half when they start bugging me for things over the weekend.

"Where is the...?"
"Can I have...?"
"Have you seen my...?"
"Do you have...?"

Sorry, couldn't say, in the BIPOC Lounge! :P

Posted by dragongears fethbone

fethbone wrote:
Darn, and here I was hoping there was finally a place I could escape from my Better Half when they start bugging me for things over the weekend.
"Where is the...?"
"Can I have...?"
"Have you seen my...?"
"Do you have...?"
Sorry, couldn't say, in the BIPOC Lounge! :P

You can always hang out in one of the men's rooms (unless your better half is male).

Posted by sovietprince lanogironu

lanigironu wrote:
mr. bubbles wrote:
quarex wrote:
"This year Gen Con, in partnership with Rose Gauntlet Entertainment, will be providing a lounge area for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) professionals and attendees.  Attendees will find games created by BIPOC designers, a BIPOC creators’ game library, BIPOC art, scheduled events, giveaways, refreshments and a space to meet with fellow members of the community.  Aspiring BIPOC professionals will find a space to meet other professionals, sign up for one-on-one meetings, obtain resources on companies hoping to work with and mentor BIPOC creators, etc."
Might as well close this thread now if that sounds unclear and people want to get mad about it
 this is a discussion board no need to close it because ppl disagrees To me it sounds like everyone can come it unless your white club which is crap, you can't preech everyone being equal then have a club blocking a specific group because there not a certain color. I am really tired of being treated like I some villian because I am white and because some bad people in the past were white( all colors have bad people and good people no more no less). 
Also who cares what color a creator of a game is, last I checked color don't make us any different on creative skills. People keep pushing true equality then do the opposite by starting/supporting groups like this, equality takes
- ALL races included
- skin color is no different then hair color
- no finger pointing
Honestly I think it's not racism that is a problem it's something deeper down it just so happens it effects a lot of minority's. The culprit is money the more you have the better your treated despite color or race. 

If you believed in equality, you would be fine with a section meant to showcase BIPOC creators. 
If you're mad it, you're not for equality, you're for self-inclusion and are upset at the literal illusion (you as an obviously white dude will definitely be allowed to explore the lounge) of being left out of something I guarantee you never had any interest in to begin with. It's clear you didn't read the release or put more than 30 seconds of thought into it before getting upset, which is sad. It clearly states people are invited to explore the lounge, nothing is keeping you out for being white except your own attitude. 
Also who cares what color a creator of a game is

A lot of people do. Particularly underrepresented minorities that for decades have been limited in the field. Do you throw a fit when you see a "veteran owned" business advertised - because I see those all the time. 

skin color is no different then hair color

It's not. You can't change skin color with a $5 box from the grocery store. It's laughable and insulting to people of color to even suggest this. In a perfect altruistic wonderful world maybe that will be the case, but that is not the world we live in. 

I am really tired of being treated like I some villian because I am white and because some bad people in the past were white

If anyone villainized you specifically for being white and nothing else (which I highly doubt) that is their fault, not yours. Not being the focus of attention to a BIPOC lounge is not treating you like a villain. I do believe however, you may have been villainized for comments like this post and the attitude you present - which is your fault. 

It's the entire point of the matter, if there was a section to celebrate white creaters there be hell raised, I read the article twice and it is not clear on who is allowing in if everyone is allowed good but if not it's BS. 


Posted by sovietprince brumcg

brumcg wrote:
From Rose Gauntlet Entertainment's Twitter account:
The area is open to everyone but we ask that people are respectful to the BIPOC attendees that are trying to get work done there and give them priority to table space and demos.

no reasion I should give anyone other then maybe the elderly or handicap priority over anything because of skin, there no better or no worse then me. Imagine there being a white group were anyone can attend but they have to give white people priortiy? I think there was a few examples in history were this happened and it not viewed in a very good light(rightly so). 

Posted by pshep999 sovietprince

sovietprince wrote:
lanigironu wrote:
mr. bubbles wrote:
quarex wrote:
"This year Gen Con, in partnership with Rose Gauntlet Entertainment, will be providing a lounge area for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) professionals and attendees.  Attendees will find games created by BIPOC designers, a BIPOC creators’ game library, BIPOC art, scheduled events, giveaways, refreshments and a space to meet with fellow members of the community.  Aspiring BIPOC professionals will find a space to meet other professionals, sign up for one-on-one meetings, obtain resources on companies hoping to work with and mentor BIPOC creators, etc."
Might as well close this thread now if that sounds unclear and people want to get mad about it
 this is a discussion board no need to close it because ppl disagrees To me it sounds like everyone can come it unless your white club which is crap, you can't preech everyone being equal then have a club blocking a specific group because there not a certain color. I am really tired of being treated like I some villian because I am white and because some bad people in the past were white( all colors have bad people and good people no more no less). 
Also who cares what color a creator of a game is, last I checked color don't make us any different on creative skills. People keep pushing true equality then do the opposite by starting/supporting groups like this, equality takes
- ALL races included
- skin color is no different then hair color
- no finger pointing
Honestly I think it's not racism that is a problem it's something deeper down it just so happens it effects a lot of minority's. The culprit is money the more you have the better your treated despite color or race. 

If you believed in equality, you would be fine with a section meant to showcase BIPOC creators. 
If you're mad it, you're not for equality, you're for self-inclusion and are upset at the literal illusion (you as an obviously white dude will definitely be allowed to explore the lounge) of being left out of something I guarantee you never had any interest in to begin with. It's clear you didn't read the release or put more than 30 seconds of thought into it before getting upset, which is sad. It clearly states people are invited to explore the lounge, nothing is keeping you out for being white except your own attitude. 
Also who cares what color a creator of a game is

A lot of people do. Particularly underrepresented minorities that for decades have been limited in the field. Do you throw a fit when you see a "veteran owned" business advertised - because I see those all the time. 
skin color is no different then hair color

It's not. You can't change skin color with a $5 box from the grocery store. It's laughable and insulting to people of color to even suggest this. In a perfect altruistic wonderful world maybe that will be the case, but that is not the world we live in. 
I am really tired of being treated like I some villian because I am white and because some bad people in the past were white

If anyone villainized you specifically for being white and nothing else (which I highly doubt) that is their fault, not yours. Not being the focus of attention to a BIPOC lounge is not treating you like a villain. I do believe however, you may have been villainized for comments like this post and the attitude you present - which is your fault. 

It's the entire point of the matter, if there was a section to celebrate white creaters there be hell raised, I read the article twice and it is not clear on who is allowing in if everyone is allowed good but if not it's BS.  
You are absolutely right, not only would there be hell raised, but those ppl would be destroyed by the media and banned from GenCon forever no doubt. 

Posted by brumcg


As a white person, I'm not going to pretend to know what a BIPOC Lounge should be and have no "hot takes."  

I hope it's a wild success.

Posted by yombleflobber

I don't hear any uproar about the Quiet Room. Nothing about how introverts and people with sensory disorders are being segregated. There are PLENTY of events that cater to people that aren't that into boardgames. At a boardgame convention. I don't hear any outcry about that.
This really feels like I'm watching that video where some kid was upset because it was NOT HIS birthday, but he wanted to blow out the candles instead of the person whose birthday it was.
Grow up.
Initially, I was a little disappointed because I thought, as a white dude, I might not be able to go see what the fuss is about. After reading through this forum, I'm wondering if having a closed BIPOC Lounge would be better so folks can get a break.

Posted by boute001

Wow, I can not beleive that this can be this hard for Gencon to not drop the ball again.  How hard can it be to make an official response to something that should be not that hard or controversial, but poor leadership causes problems again.  How about a response:

"Gencon is very proud to announce an area focused to further help strengthen multicultural companies in our inclusive board game community.  It will be a separate area to give smaller and early stage companies to network and interact with other board gamers and developers to give feedback and support.  We hope that ALL Gencon attendees take the time to encourage and back their new game ideas to help bridge the gap within cultural companies in our gaming community."

This is not that hard.  A statement like this would be glorified by all attendees.  But yet again, Gencon continues to give me the impression that you no longer want to be all inclusive.  The comments on these forums are embarrassing and are anything from "inclusive and open-minded" gamers that come together from their simple passion simply for gaming.  The past 3 years has nothing but division based on politics/race/medical privacy among other things.  I miss the days when this convention was meant to be a gathering for people to embrace all others and enjoys game.  Unfortunately, Gencon is pushing away more and more people by their divisive regulations and agendas.  I expect your attendance each year to continue to drop in reflection of your decisions.  

Posted by wavester

How to create a thread called "Bad actors raise your hand" without actually calling it that. 

Posted by mermaid_princess

Hi, I’m white. 
I also want to do the right thing, but am unsure what the right thing is most days. I have a lil one, and it’s super important to walk the walk. The kids are far more aware of what’s right, and how things should be, then you would realize. 
We will be checking this out. And if it changes to something like the ‘ally’ ribbon, or some such, in future years? We will be there for that too. 

Posted by dalthius boute001

boute001 wrote:
Wow, I can not beleive that this can be this hard for Gencon to not drop the ball again.  How hard can it be to make an official response to something that should be not that hard or controversial, but poor leadership causes problems again.  How about a response:
"Gencon is very proud to announce an area focused to further help strengthen multicultural companies in our inclusive board game community.  It will be a separate area to give smaller and early stage companies to network and interact with other board gamers and developers to give feedback and support.  We hope that ALL Gencon attendees take the time to encourage and back their new game ideas to help bridge the gap within cultural companies in our gaming community."
This is not that hard.  A statement like this would be glorified by all attendees.  But yet again, Gencon continues to give me the impression that you no longer want to be all inclusive.  The comments on these forums are embarrassing and are anything from "inclusive and open-minded" gamers that come together from their simple passion simply for gaming.  The past 3 years has nothing but division based on politics/race/medical privacy among other things.  I miss the days when this convention was meant to be a gathering for people to embrace all others and enjoys game.  Unfortunately, Gencon is pushing away more and more people by their divisive regulations and agendas.  I expect your attendance each year to continue to drop in reflection of your decisions.  

Pretty dang good example of a press release. 

Posted by dalthius mermaid_princess

mermaid_princess wrote:
Hi, I’m white. 
I also want to do the right thing, but am unsure what the right thing is most days. I have a lil one, and it’s super important to walk the walk. The kids are far more aware of what’s right, and how things should be, then you would realize. 
We will be checking this out. And if it changes to something like the ‘ally’ ribbon, or some such, in future years? We will be there for that too. 

If we all strive to just “do the right thing”, the world would be a better place. 

Posted by mikeboozer

I have been trying to keep this thread open so that there can be a sensible discussion and exchange of ideals, but it is getting hard to do that.

Some of you are using this thread to get off the topic and fulfill your own agendas.

Some of you are just repeating yourselves which is against Forum rules.

Some of you are simply being intolerant to say the least. Definitely against the rules.

We will have a statement to put out, but you will need to be patient.

If you do not have anything new to add please stop posting.

If I have to lock this thread or ban people before that I will.



Posted by ndgeekboy surrealrain

surrealrain wrote:As I recall we got a bit of this when female creators were highlighted and had several seminars etc several years ago in the wake of gamergate.

I've been out of the gaming loop for several years now. For context purposes, what was "gamergate"?

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