Vaccine Wristband Questions
Posted by quarex

Man I loved the wristbands but I acknowledge surely the average opinion would be neutral or slightly negative, yes.  Will certainly be interesting going forward to see whether we continue treating COVID-19 at all seriously or it just fades into the background 

Posted by grud quarex

quarex wrote:
Man I loved the wristbands but I acknowledge surely the average opinion would be neutral or slightly negative, yes.  Will certainly be interesting going forward to see whether we continue treating COVID-19 at all seriously or it just fades into the background 
Pardon my asking, but What exactly was there to "Love" about a useless piece of trash wrapped around our wrists?  I don't even wear my watch all the time. I put it on when I leave the house, and take it off shortly after I get back. The only piece of jewelry I wear is a Celtic cross, because of my Irish Ancestry. I only remove it when I shower. =D

Also, you're assuming everyone has been "treating COVID-19 at all seriously" at ANY time. =\ I ONLY got the vaccine because I wanted to go to GC, Period.

Posted by grognard262 mbeauparland

mbeauparland wrote:
I know it's super early to even wonder, but will the bands be a feature next year?

I would expect that masks will be optional before vaccination is.  That seems to be the trend at other conventions.

Posted by quarex grud

grud wrote:
quarex wrote:
Man I loved the wristbands but I acknowledge surely the average opinion would be neutral or slightly negative, yes.  Will certainly be interesting going forward to see whether we continue treating COVID-19 at all seriously or it just fades into the background 
Pardon my asking, but What exactly was there to "Love" about a useless piece of trash wrapped around our wrists?  I don't even wear my watch all the time. I put it on when I leave the house, and take it off shortly after I get back. The only piece of jewelry I wear is a Celtic cross, because of my Irish Ancestry. I only remove it when I shower.
I am one of those people who kept the bracelet on as a constant reminder of Gen-Con for months after it ended, so I guess all the answer I can give you is in that explanation.

I did take mine off when my 6-year-old told me it scraped him once when I picked him up, though, as if there is one thing I value more than memories of Gen-Con it is not being a jerk to my kiddo.

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