Question About Wristband Tickets
Posted by experimentalgamer

If a parent has a badge and a child only has a wristband, can that parent buy 2 tickets for a non-Kids Activity event so they can attend it with their child?  Or is there anyway for a wristband-only child to attend a non-Kids Activity event?

Posted by mikeboozer experimentalgamer

experimentalgamer wrote:
If a parent has a badge and a child only has a wristband, can that parent buy 2 tickets for a non-Kids Activity event so they can attend it with their child?  Or is there anyway for a wristband-only child to attend a non-Kids Activity event?

If the child wants to participate in an Event that is not a KID one they will need a badge.

If the are just attending they will not need one in most cases. Some events like lectures or seminars or True Dungeon they cannot attend.

[email protected] is who to contact if you have a wristband and they want to participate in non kids events. 


Posted by experimentalgamer

What if the adult just buys two tickets or pays with generics?  I've got some players telling me they are doing just that.  I don't want to break their hearts.

Posted by derekguder

They are not supposed to do that, just like how someone with a Sunday badge shouldn't be let into a Thursday event, even with generics.

Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

Posted by soyogiw422

@duck life A wristband-only child cannot attend; both need badges. 

Posted by kundewayne

Is it okay if the grownup only buys two tickets or uses generics? Some of my players have informed me that they are actually doing that same thing. Please, I would rather not hurt their feelings. gorilla tag


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