General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
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Task / Topic ▲ Latest Posts
4-Day Badges Sold Out, Limited Single-Day Badges Remain
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by genghis_sean 82
Gen Con 50 Pre-Show Q&A Survey
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by mikeboozer 1
Work at Gen Con in Seattle this summer!
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by mikeboozer 1
Your new Forum Moderator
Started by roderick
Last post by ericnelson 28
Accepting Terms of Service again?
Started by stahlnee
Last post by austicke 6
"Accidents happen": Confession of the person who accidentally caused the Georgia St. evacuation.
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by matthias9 3
$10 for USPS Shipping?
Started by mhayward1978
Last post by adcjones 59
100 Days and counting
Started by jtzell
Last post by quarex 8
2017 Charitable Partner?
Started by nascragman
Last post by nascragman 3
2017 New Board Game Releases List(s)
Started by afabbi
Last post by afabbi 11
2017 Quiet Room!
Started by ladyanaka
Last post by elylightbringer 5
4 - Day Badge versus Press Badge
Started by descentsaturn
Last post by saintsabastian 5
4 day badges
Started by ziroc
Last post by aldctjoc 18
50 Years of Gen Con Events -
Started by nesbit37
Last post by nesbit37 4
A Moment of Silence
Started by roganca
Last post by rayken 64
A Sunday Afternoon Haiku
Started by tdb
Last post by dukejohn 2
Am I the only one that saw this?
Started by lore seeker
Last post by mhayward1978 26
An educator going to GenCon
Started by judoka18
Last post by ryric 5
Any information on 2017 VIG availability?
Started by rabidwolf
Last post by empj86 31
Anybody notice the GenCon 2017 key dates?
Started by lore seeker
Last post by andrewj.rager 20
arcade area this year??
Started by garhkal
Last post by garhkal 9
Article: " Want to Get Into Tabletop RPGs?" Decent (if arguable) list of intro games.
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by nascragman 3
Artist Alley?
Started by jimmyellerth
Last post by austicke 2
Attendance can be capped?
Started by jimmythesaint
Last post by nialith 66
Attendance Recognition - From Survey
Started by varelseshrike
Last post by varelseshrike 17
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