Events 2019 ( Locked)
Discussion about events at Gen Con 2019
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Task / Topic Latest Posts ▼
5E Adventurer's League
Started by macinti
Last post by acidix 17
Video Gaming
Started by rutherfordr
Last post by quarex 17
EVENT HYPE - Survivor Gen Con: Hidden Agenda ZED19148486
Started by patriotx
Last post by patriotx 17
First Time Hosting Event
Started by jlafair
Last post by jlafair 17
Thank You from the Megagame Coalition
Started by ja1214
Last post by bugwar 16
Credit Cards?
Started by jrdaviscubed
Last post by quarex 16
Eticket procedure
Started by braewe
Last post by bushmaster 16
Map for locations of events?
Started by brittflok
Last post by aaronmlopez 15
The Final Countdown
Started by cmegus
Last post by ar6474 15
Catan Tournament Cancelled?
Started by blarwick
Last post by blarwick 15
GMT Games at Gen Con
Started by eingellis
Last post by eingellis 15
E-ticket event
Started by bushmaster
Last post by qwaserity 15
Lack of 5E DnD events?!?!?
Started by heychadwick
Last post by heychadwick 14
10 year olds for a few hours on Sunday?
Started by lisa123
Last post by austicke 14
Gen Con Honeymoon
Started by celticavenger!888
Last post by celticavenger!888 13
D&D Experience @ GenCon: High Track B
Started by tparhamjr
Last post by silverf0xx 13
Any NSDM events this year?
Started by marv
Last post by aldctjoc 13
Speed Painting
Started by zhycalui
Last post by zhycalui 13
Will there be playtests of new games? Do they cost money?
Started by joeyskywalker
Last post by buffythecatslayer 13
Computer Gaming Area in 2019?
Started by toeknee616
Last post by noahoscar986 12
Games for Kids - 7 year old
Started by the laughing hydra
Last post by malfakter 11
Pathfinder longer (6+ hour) events
Started by fatherofone
Last post by armadilloal 11
Unlisted Events
Started by garrion_sw
Last post by derekguder 11
Wish List Processing
Started by manimal
Last post by a dark rider on a pale ... unicorn? 11
Super popular events
Started by rayken
Last post by hendelbolaf 11
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